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Dear Snowflake,

I met the strangest boy this morning when I was picking up lunch from the nearest cafe.

He is an elf, literally, and you would've bullied him for it, I just know it. He's like, what, 5'7''? Tiny little shat.

But I like him because he's clumsy and pretty and nice. Kinda like you, but, you know, less sexy. Don't worry, I'd never even consider him my potential boyfriend, the main reason being I could never fall out of love with you.

Anyway, I'm getting off the track. I tried to tell you I dropped my chocolate blueberry muffin on the floor while trying to walk and write my homework at the same time, and he offered to pay for another one.

What a nice soul, I thought at first, but then he spent the whole walk to school (yeah, he attends the same school as us, how cool is that? I wonder why we never ran into him) whining over how his therapist (he has insomnia) doesn't want to date him. How rude, indeed, not wanting to be arrested because dating a minor.

He's weird but I shall accept him as my companion until you return, my love.

I'm waiting for tomorrow morning so I can tell him about you, how beautiful your eyes are and how cute you sneeze when you're flustered. I hope he doesn't fall in love with you too by the time I'm done. Though that's a difficult task.

I miss and love you dearly,


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