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Dear Snowflake!

It's the D-day for us, baby! The big day! 

I'm finally going back to school today and I'm writing this early in the morning, just in my pajama pants and with a toast between my teeth. It's been so long since I last got up this early.

I don't remember when was the last time I saw the sunrise (I do remember, but you really want to hear the story of how we laid on the rooftop wasting time, getting lost in each other's eyes until our hearts started beating leisurely, as one?). But it's still as beautiful as if it has been watched closely this whole time. 

Anyway as I was saying, I'm currently getting ready for school and I can't waste time writing too much. I'm sure you understand, sweetie :)

Hoseok is picking me up in ten minutes. I'll tell you how it went when I get back.

Hi, I'm back.

The school wasn't too good, to be completely honest. You're everywhere.

I'm starting to think memories never leave our bones; and as I walk around, I carry them with me. It's heavy, so heavy.

I just don't get it - you chose such sweet words to get my heart, yet such cruel actions to break it, leaving me to deal with the love that has been left behind.

Won't you just come back?


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