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Little Kookie!!!

Taehyung has grown into an insane amount of habits lately, and they're not all necessarily bad.

For example, he hates to talk to people especially if it's over the phone, but whenever I talk to Jimin he tells me to put him on speaker, and then he sits patiently beside me and just listens. He rarely says anything, still, it seems as if Jimin's voice comforts him.

It works similarly with Yoongi and Hoseok but his attention span for them is way shorter so he gets bored with our talks quite quickly, and then goes back to sleep.

I sent the guys airplane tickets to Japan for next week and they all said they'll come to visit so we'll see how that goes. I hope it will at least bring a smile to Taehyung's lips.

The second thing that I've been meaning to tell you is that Taehyung now sleeps with a dog. His bedroom is fairly spacious with additional dog beds beneath the window at the front, but this one dog named Miri absolutely refuses to sleep in one and instead waits until Taehyung falls asleep before she crawls into bed, not even graciously, and snuggles against him.

For a long time, Taehyung used to push her down every night until she got tired of it and fell asleep on the floor, but now he's kinda grown accustomed to it and has trouble sleeping if she's not around.

I see her forcing him to take her for a walk somewhere in the near future!! That would be such good progress!

Also, we made a deal that every time he feels like crying but can't, we will buy another plant for his room. Unnecessary to say, his bedroom now looks like a jungle and would be even worse if he wasn't obsessed with tiny cactuses. 

He hasn't cried in weeks. I have no clue what he's feeling.

Today we ate tangerines that Siwoo (mom's friend needed a name, didn't he) brought from town just for my brother. Taehyung refused to eat anything but he ate three when I told him that. Then I proceeded to tell him the banana bread was also baked by him, and so were the chicken steaks; and though I do think he oversaw my lies, he still ate all of those. I was so proud.

Today didn't seem like a lot, but we made great growth.

your hyung

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