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Dear Snowflake!

I'm home and in two days I'll go back to school. I could stay at home for a couple more days but Jimin says he misses my presence so I really don't have a choice.

Besides, he promised me Mr. Min will pick us up after school Friday and take us to Starbucks. Since we live far away from the nearest coffee shop and I've only been there once before (with your brother, might I add, though he hates the taste of caffeine and was an awful company(you had volleyball practice that day so don't be jealous)).

I feel good today.

The feeling of you coming back is always stronger when I'm home, surrounded by your pictures, your scent, our memories. 

I have not heard your voice for quite some time, baby, but those have conversations with me every day. 

And it's not because I'm searching for you in everything, that I see you everywhere, not at all. It's just that I think of you every time something makes me smile, and those are the things I most look at.

Just in case you're still alive, do you sometimes think of me? 

Do you still love me? After all this time?

Sorry, I know this makes no sense, it's just that ... I've been happy for the past two days and it's getting harder. Hour by hour it's harder.

I don't really know how much longer I can hold on.

I love you,



day 3 and still going strong, take that, haters!!

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