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Dear Snowflake,

Baby... If I calm down and think about it carefully, everything is falling to place, everything's making sense now. It's terrifying but I can't do anything.

If you did die .. if what they're saying is true ... Why?

How could you do it? How could you leave me? What's the reason?

Are you mad at me or something? I get that I'm the reason you ended up like that, just breathing, not moving, not talking, simply existing; but do you hate me that much?

Couldn't you stand the thought of dating me anymore? Is that it? You grew sick of me?

I don't know if you remember, my love, but the day you collapsed in front of our house, your motorcycle broken in pieces and covered in your blood, you looked me dead in the eyes, through the tears and blood, through the rips in your skin and the cracks of your bones, and half-conscious you told me you'd come back. You said you're not leaving me.

Were stroking my head with a bloody hand and whispering how much you love me and how you can't wait to get back from the hospital so we can eat the cake and open the gift you got me. You were saying you'd never just disappear on my birthday. I believed you.

And even though I'm mad to admit it, it's getting harder to do so.

It's suffocating to walk around and trying to convince people you're alive on my own. It's just me now, we were two, but now it's just me. Jin and mom are determined - for them, you're dead, and as much as they're letting me have my space and realize things on my own record, I think I'm running out of time.

The truth is catching on to me.

Now I think you did leave me. You did it. After forbidding me from leaving you.

You hypocrite.


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