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Dear Snowflake,

I just realized you have to come back to me because we haven't watched the last season of Avatar yet. I can't watch it alone, baby, please have mercy on me.

What if Katara ends up with Zuko and I need a shoulder to cry on? Who will take that position if not you?

I guess I could ask Jimin but his shoulders are too small, I don't think I'll feel comfortable. Besides, you're a very jealous person and I can't risk you hating him.

You could kill that poor tiny guy with just one blow, judging by his appearance. But I could be wrong so I suggest not giving him the opportunity to surprise us.

It would be awful waking up from a coma and then falling right back into it.

Besides, I need you.

I need someone to tell me how beautiful I am when I buy myself a new pink sweater and then don't have the courage to wear it. I need someone to dry my tears when mom and dad are fighting or when the fears are crawling up on me at night.

I crave to see you sneaking into my room on a Friday night again, Jungkook. Please come back.

Miss you,


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