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Dear Snowflake,

mom, dad and Jin hyung went to the seaside today - something about some kind of concert (probably boring) but I stayed at home so I can study for the finals.

Had I gone, I'd probably get car sick halfway there from breakfast, and you know how much my back hurts when I sit for too long.

I guess I'm just not a person for field trips.

So my day was spent away revising Physics and doing some notes on Geography. Jimin brought me cup noodles so you shouldn't worry, I'm not starving myself.

If you were here this time of the year, you'd tell me to stop worrying about my grades and to chillax for a little bit. Then you'd cuddle me to sleep while whispering your secrets in my ear.

You know I have to have good grades in order to get accepted to the art academy - like that's ever going to happen. You're the only person that believes in me so that dreams seem far away.

Jimin brought his best friend Hoseok with him. He's a tall dude with neon red hair and a vibrant smile - the type of boy you told me you fell for every time before you met me.

I will be hesitant when letting you guys meet but it's okay. I know you'd never cheat on me, not even with a person as cool as Jung Hoseok.

Jimin told me they're attending dance school together (Hoseok being the best student in the whole school) but the real reason they're friends is - Hobi is the therapist's neighbor or something.

Pretty convenient.

I wonder if Jimin has a special reason for hanging around me. Maybe when you wake up you can pretend not to know me and ask him.

I miss you,


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