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Seokjin tried to talk to me today but I shut him up by slamming the door in his face. I think it hit him a little but he's alive so I don't feel guilty at all. Suits him well since he's making such cruel things up.

He wanted me to go to school today, shouted it for the whole house to know when I locked the door to my bedroom. Dad knows now. He will say nothing, I just know it; it's because he doesn't care about me, and if you died, he wouldn't pay much attention to it either.

I cried a little today, but just a tiny bit so you shouldn't worry. It happened because I was imagining what would happen if you did die. If you left me here, in this world, all alone. It hurt me so much my heart squeezed painfully and thoughts of ending my own life flooded my mind.

But since I know you're very much alive, you are, you have to be, my sobbing came to a stop eventually and I gave in to sleep at 3 AM.

I didn't go to school. I won't go tomorrow either.


Five stages of grief; taeggukWhere stories live. Discover now