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Dear Snowflake!

Judging by the greeting I bet you thought Taehyung was finally writing to you but I'm rather sad to inform you that is not the case.

Tae still feels out of place talking to you so he only asked me to write your name on the paper, and I'm sure in it your hear much more that is left unspoken.

At first, I thought he'd be mad when he discovered that I'm taking up the responsibility of writing to you, but the only thing I see in his eyes when he looks at me now is limitless relief. As if he's glad someone else is bearing a bit of the pain in his place.

That's fine though, I am his older brother and as I never really was there for him, it is now my place to protect the last shreds of the heart that still lies inside his chest. It's my duty to fill the gap you have left.

And I'm succeeding, I think, slowly, with a little help of the little Park dwarf (though I'm seriously considering kicking him out of the house; he's been listening to the same Arctic Monkeys' song on repeat for god knows how long now).

There's something special about him, you know, about the little blonde boy with little to no eyes when he smiles, with tiny brown freckles on his chubby cheeks, and small fingers that always seem to be reaching for something. I see how he has everyone around him wrapped around his wrists, ankles, and every other part of his short body. 

I think Mr. Min is my age but he's so painfully obvious in love with him it hurts to watch. And personally, I think Jung Hoseok is not far behind.

Was it fate to bring Jimin and Taehyung together when you fell into a coma? Or was it just a coincidence? 

Either way, I will forever be thankful. 

I miss you, little baby,

your hyung


two more chapters to go?????

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