ACT TWO/i. What A Train Wreck

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Two weeks later...

Soft calm and soothing classical music echoed all around the bathroom

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Soft calm and soothing classical music echoed all around the bathroom. It was enough to hear the silent drops of water falling from the picket in Freya's hot water bubble bath.

She absently played with the foam floating above the water as she tried to clear her mind. And especially to forget the fact that she was going to have to resume classes at Las Encinas.

She had been advocated for denial for the past two weeks. She was content to spend all her time with Hugo with a plastered false smile on her lips. It was only when she was in the solitude of her room that she found herself crying far more times than she wanted to admit.

She closed her eyelids by pressing her head on the small cushion on the edge of her bathtub. She tried to let herself be soothed by the sweet smell of rose emanating from her bath. She could feel her skin crumpled but she didn't care. She needed to forget everything.

Forget the commitments her father had planned for her. Forget the betrayal of her little brother. Forget the tasty painful kisses of Hugo. Forget Las Encinas and his murders. Above all, forget the Montesinos.

Suddenly, the ringing of her phone sounds.

Freya opened her eyelids again to look at the arabesque ceiling in her bathroom for a moment.

She stood still as her phone continued to ring. Soon enough, the ringing stopped, announcing that the caller had given up on the idea of ​​reaching her.

She turned her head on her cushion to look at her Iphone lying face down on the small table. Her gaze was immediately drawn to the flame of the candles surrounding her phone. She was totally mesmerized by the silent dance of the flames.

However, a new ringtone announcing that she had just received a notification sounds.

She moved her eyes to her phone lighting up the table before leaving an inaudible sigh as she retrieved her phone. She ignored the drops of water running down her arm as she unlocked her screen with her fingerprint.

However, it was not long before she clenched her jaw as she read the contents of the message briefly. It looked like any other message she had sent her in the past two weeks. And Freya had to admit that she was surprised that she hadn't given up yet.

Anyway, she soon put her phone back on the coffee table before adjusting to the edge of her tub. She closed her eyelids again before sinking deeper into the water, until her face was slightly submerged in the water.

She took a deep breath before sinking deeper into the water, until she was completely submerged underwater. She felt her hair gently caress her face as time stopped. Now she could hear that her heart was beating regularly in her ears.

She went on snorkeling.

For the first time in weeks, she did not feel overwhelmed by emotions. And Freya realized that she could stay for hours underwater. Just to forget.

Rebel just for kicks ~ ELITE ~ Valerio MontesinosWhere stories live. Discover now