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The last class of the semester just got over. After wishing everyone happy holidays, I was only my way to my usual Thursday night chinese take out. After parking the car at my apartment I walked towards the restaurant.
From the window I spotted a tall guy in a suite. It seemed like Andrew liked the food here. I chuckled and went in. "Hi neighbour" he turned and smiled. Ray you really need to call me Andrew and not neighbour" I laughed and placed my order. "So what are you up to?" I ask. "Nothing much everyone is going on holiday tomorrow so I don't need to go to work now" I nod and ask "What are your plans for thanksgiving?" he paused for a minute "No plans really Ray..you?"
"Same with me no plans Andrew" I say and look away. "Oh um.." he said,should I ask him..ah fuck it. "Would you like to spend thanks giving with me?"he gave a really bright smile "I was just going to ask you the same Ray, I would love to" I blush and say "I will get the pie and wine" he nods and we walk towards our apartment.


Sitting in my office on a  Monday morning I couldn't stop thinking about the way she looked at me when I held her hand. In that one action there was a sense of connection and belonging I felt. There were no words to explain it, only someone else who felt it would understand.

The holidays were starting soon and it had already started to snow. I did not have any plans, Rayan and Layla were off on their honeymoon to Bali. So I couldn't go to meet them this year. I would be spending thanksgiving at home.

Flashback - {Andrew and his mom}

"Honey you favourite apple pie"
"Thanks mom you really are the best, when will dad be home?"
"He will be home any minute...also how is basketball going?"
"Great mom we won the last match a well"
"Well I an proud of you son''
End of flashback

I always wondered if she knew about dad, how would she react?
Did she know about Layla? The sad part is I will never find out the truth about all the questions. I hate to admit it but I miss them both even after everything my father did.

hi humans.. a note after long I know.
have been working on new stuff stay tuned
bye u🖤🖤

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