14 -Good Food

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I sigh and look at myself one last time in the mirror. It was a purple full sleeve dress that went till my knees. Smart and simple. I wore black flats and my hair was in a French braid. Makeup was simple, winged liner and baby pink lips. Why was I so nervous?

Shaking my head I go grab the wine and pie, walking towards his door

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Shaking my head I go grab the wine and pie, walking towards his door.
I knock and wait for him to open the door. Moment later he was looking at me with a big smile. "Hey happy Thanksgiving"  I smile and hand him the wine "Same to you!".
I keep the pie on the kitchen island and sit on the stool next to it. His house was nice. White Walls with a pops of grey and dark green. The whole building had two rooms so I figured one was his office. "Shall we start with food?" He asked and I nod "I am starving".

After that I put the plates on the table while he got out the food he made. "I hope you like it, it's my mum's recipe"  I smile and serve myself. Cutting a piece I was about to take a bit when I saw Andrew looks at me with a nervous expression. "Andrew chill out!" I say and laugh. Taking the bit I savour it for a couple of a second. "Mmm this is so good, oh my god! you can cook way better that me. I say and dig in for more.


She really did like it, I sigh and start eating. It really was good I was surprised at skill. "I love this, I bet your mom could really cook" she said take a sip of wine. "She was the best, I started cooking because of her. It was kind of our thing till she got cancer." She frowned "I am so sorry".

"It's fine Ray, what about your family?".

"Oh um, I am the only child as well. They died in a car crash just when I finished highschool"

"Oh I am sorry, so...we can move in the the pie now?" She smiled and nodded.

By the end of it I had finished half of the pie, she just looked at me and laughed. I didn't even wait for her to serve me. I was standing in the kitchen eating it right out of the tin. "This is so good, oh it's perfect"

"Ha thanks, you don't know how long I practiced to get it right. My nanny used to make it for us, I had to beg her to teach me"

"Well good for me, where is the wine at?" I say with a grin.

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