16 -Hers

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Closing the door, I turn to lean against it. He likes me, he actually likes me. I haven't felt like this in a long time. I couldn't help but have a cheeky grin on my face. Getting into bed, I decided to sketch some designs and get the creativity flowing.

I kept thinking  about what he said. I can't get into anything with him, its wrong. What if someone finds out? or worse what if Andrew found out the truth? He doesn't even know me. Gen won't be happy with me. I could loose everything and if Celia finds out I am so dead. But I really do like him. He is not like all the rich, spoilt people I have seen over the years. I feel happy with him. It was worth something. Happiness was important to me even if I had to find it in someone else.

The whole situation was complicated but I decided to keep it a secret just like everything else in my life. I was the type of person who could lie with a straight face, and kept secrets like no ones business. But was it a curse or blessing?


I finally told her, it felt good to express your self for once instead of keeping it all inside. Ray was like a breath of fresh air. I was myself with her. I could see us really build something in the future.. if she gave us a chance. I had reached a point in life where I really did want something meaningful with someone. She was that someone.

I would wait for her if that's what it took. She was worth ever second of it. But I couldn't shake the feeling of not really knowing her. She never talked about her family a lot. All I knew she was from a rich family. The apartment, her car and clothes were all luxury brands. And I for one knew expensive stuff when I see it. I remember meeting her at Celias party, she was with Jack. She told me he was a close friend and did not have a date so she accompanied him. Thinking about her with someone else did not sit well with me. I guess I would have to make her mine soon. I wanted her to be mine and I hers.

hi humans👋🏽
short and not so exciting chapter ik.
more is coming stay tuned.
bye you🎃

The Mystery Nextdoor (Book2✔️)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt