18 -Perfect Gift

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Christmas was coming closer and I had planned to spend it with Ray, the past month had been the best time for the both of us. But right now I was sitting in my study racking my brain for gift ideas. I was never great at giving gifts but for her I would try.

Over time I realized that Ray had become more comfortable with me, way more than she was. I used to love watch her concentrate on the screen so much that she wouldn't blink for a while. It was the little things that I really fell for. How she would always have a cherry chapstick on her lips even if she was just at home or how she would always end up doodling on the newspaper after reading it. She was never the type of girl who would wear a lot of jewelry but I always saw her wear different pairs of earrings. She really did love her earrings. That's it!

Getting ready I took my car keys and credit card and went straight towards the door. Taking my phone out I quicky Googled the closest jewels shops. I had to find her the perfect pair, something that would make her greyish blue eyes pop.

Walking into the fifth shop for the day, I looked around before catching a glimpse of the perfect pair for her. I could picture her wearing them.


Andrew told me that we would be spending Christmas together. Which meant that I had to get him a really nice gift. My Christmas list was never long. Gen, Jack and also myself. Why not get yourself a gift?!

Jack was always send me some expensive handbag or heels for Christmas. I would always send him some fancy tie, for Gen I would always go shopping for material and design something new for her since she loved clothes and shopping so much. She was crazy about my designs. But for Andrew I wanted it to be something special, something meaningful.

Suddenly having thought about something, I quickly got out my sketch book and paints. I started drawing the moment it all started. I also decided to get him a really nice watch since he loved them. But mine would have something written at the back. I search online for hours before finally deciding on one. This holiday season really one of the best I had in a long time.

Hi humans
Next chapter is date night! Can't wait. Hope everyone is safe and healthy. See u in the next one
Bye u💖💖

The Mystery Nextdoor (Book2✔️)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora