15- Red Wine🔺

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Sitting on the kitchen island I just finished my third glass of wine, Andrew was on his fourth glass. It was some really good wine.

We were just laughing and giggling about his co-workers and the silly mistakes they would make. It was supper funny. "Some of the people I work with are so zoned out and lost, some times I wonder how they got the job." I start laughing again and he just looks at me with a strange smile. "I like your laugh Ray". He said making me blush.

The evening went on, with us being tipsy and here we were fighting over the last piece of pie . "I made it so I get it!" I say with a pout. "Ray don't do that" he said in a serious tone. "Do what take the last piece?"

"I get it, you made it for me!"
"Nooooope" I say and stuff it in my mouth. "Not fair!" He shouted and I laughed."I will make more okay?" He nods like a child. "You have crumbs on your chin" . He brushes them off with his thumb them looks into my eyes followed by my lips. I just keep looking at him. He slowly cups my face in his hands and pulls me closer. We were now inches apart, I could feel his warm breath on my cheek. He came closer and slowly kissed me.

Him {mature}

Her eyes close instantly and her hands went behind my neck. Her lips were so soft, and plump . It was like they were made for me. She tasted like wine and apples so beautiful, so perfect.

She bit my lower lip and went in with her tounge. I let my hands travel down towards her thighs and moved her legs apart so I was standing in between. She pulled me closer and moved forward towards me on the counter. Breaking the kiss we moved away to catch our breath, she looked at me with her big grey eyes with so much emotion. What was this girl doing to me? Who was she? I thought.

Her chest was moving up and down from the deep kiss we shared moments ago. She rested her forehead on my chest "Andrew I__" cutting her off  I say "Ray I like you, I know it's just been a couple of months but I really do like you. I don't want to get into something serious if you are not ready. But once you are know that I will be here waiting" I say. She just looks at me with a bright smile and nods. This was by far the best thanks giving I had in a long time.

Hi humans 👋
How did you like it? Hope everyone is safe and at home. Have been watching a lot of anime now days.
Until next time. Bye u🎈

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