Epilogue- Small World

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Her {nine months later}

It felt like all my bones were breaking and my vagina was tearing apart literally. "Baby come on, you got this" Andrew said holding my hand firmly. "Shut up! It's not easy okay. Ahhhh!" I shouted. With one last push our beautiful baby boy was brought into this world.

For the last nine months Andrew had never left my side. He look care of me and handled a very hormonal and horny pregnant women. We soon found out that we were having a baby boy, I was on cloud nine. Andrew had started looking for bigger houses outside the city. I had been living with him in his apartment. I even told him that I didn't want something big just something cosy and cute.

I finished of the rest of my degree online and was going to launch my own online clothing line next fall. My life was complete. There was nothing more I wanted. I even saw Andrew cry for the first time when he held little Alex in his arms. Sleep came over me and I was out within seconds because if the exhaustion.


Yesterday I met my son for the first time, he looked back at me with chocolate brow eyes just like mine and reached out to touch my cheek. I came home for a shower and a chance of clothes for Ray. Layla and Rayan were coming to meet Ray and the baby today. They had just come back from their honeymoon and were thrilled with I told them the news.

Entering the hospital room with them walking behind me. "Ray I want you to meet my sister and best friend .."
"What the fuck?!" said Rayan looking at Rylee . Layla had the same shocked expression, all of them looking at each other. "I though you said her name was Ray..?" whispered Layla. "Ya but that was before I came to know..wait am I missing something here?"

"Andrew baby, he is my brother and she is my best friend more like a sister." I was blank. Wow. "Rayan, Layla you guys married? Ha I always knew you were meant to be." Rylee said happily. Rayan just walked towards Alex's crib and held his small hand. "He has you nose Rylee" he said turning towards his sister who had tears in her eyes. "I am so sorry Rayan, I never kept in touch.. I-I just.."
"I know Rylee it's fine. I'm just glad that you and my nephew are safe and heathy." All three of them had a group hug and the girls giggled like they had always been close over the years, like nothing had changed. Moments later Rylee said "Rayan and Layla I want you guys to be the god parents of my child."

  Alex Moss

  Alex Moss

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The end.

Hi Humans!! 🤍🤍
Finally the end. Thank you for all the people who have read my work it means the world. Also this month its officially been 1 year on wattpad [What!?😮] Nicks spin-off will be up soon. I am starting uni soon so update will be every week. Yes I just graduated high school and will attend college😁.
Until next time my loves <3 <3
Bye you.

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