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I felt a warm hand on my arm and slowly opened my eyes. It took me some time to take in my surroundings. I soon realized I was in a movie van filled with drugged girls just like me. Some of them didn't even look like they were from here.

The ones who were awake looked like they were in shock. It was one of the saddest things I had seen. I heard voices come from the front. "Which run way is it this time?". The man asked and the conversation went on but I was too zoned out to hear it all.

Then it hit me, the cop from before sold me out, what a bitch. I always heard things from others about this business but no one knew the truth. I guess I just found out after all.
My thoughts drifted to Andrew, would he be looking for me? I didn't even know how long I spent passed out in this van. Would I ever see him again? My baby brother, will I ever get to hug him again? Did he leave town like he always said? Will he ever forgive me?

I stopped talking to him after I signed the contract, it ruined my life. I would fight till my last breath, before ever being sold like a piece of meat in this evil business. I had to get my revenge on her, she could not get away with destroying so many lives. Suddenly the van stopped, I knew this was my time to fight. It's now or never.


"I want to know where she went officer, please help me."  I asked for the last time but that asshole just had a smirk on his face while telling us to get out. We found her car packed near the station. Our guess was she came her to complain about everything.

"Andrew they won't help us, all of them are in on this" said Nick. I just take a few breaths to calm myself before walking out.
"I just got a call form an agent in the CIA, they have been work on this case for years now with no lead. Maybe they can help us." I had no choice but to take their help. It was our best chance.

We were sitting in the office waiting for a call or any new information. A few agents came in and said that a lady spotted two men putting a drugged girl in a van. They were heading to the airport. That was our guy, our lead. Without a second thought we were in the car going after  them.

The Mystery Nextdoor (Book2✔️)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora