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Hundreds of years ago, stood a forest called Millah, this forest contained three things, Love, Hatred, And Power. Now, this forest wasn't perfect, but it felt perfect, well it used to. It used to only contain Love, and Power, but Power always costed something, which wasn't a easy task. People started to get greedy with the power, and wanted it all for themselves, which caused the forest to contain hatred, with people not caring about the forest anymore and only wanting power, the forest started to lose its beauty, and it lost its love, power took over the people, and all they cared about was the power.

People didn't understand what the power was, they were so blinded that they didn't realize there was no such thing. The forest power wasn't meant to mean take over and rule, or be better then one, it meant to be equal, and to rule together, but people never realized that, well besides one little hedgehog...

This forest is trashed, I hate it here. Everyone so obsessed with ruling, hasn't anyone realized they can't rule? The forest rules itself, that's why it contains power, we were made to follow the rules, not try to change the rules for ourselves.

My father told me to quit worrying about these dumb people and there power obsession, but it's hard too, these people forgot the true meaning of this forest.

Millah is are home, we must take care of it, or all this place will contain is hatred. There will be no more power, or love. This place is already starting to lose itself, because these people are imbeciles! They don't understand why we have this place in the first place, this forest was made so we can stay hidden from the humans, so the humans can't try and take are power from us.

But no one listens anymore, and soon the humans will find us. But what can I do? I'm just a sixteen year old kid, who no one listens to.

Currently I'm out with my father, we're getting food for the week, sadly our supply of food is running out fast, because of these greedy pigs, they started taking the food for themselves, which meant not everyone could have food for the week.

And by everyone, I meant my family. We started to have to pay for our food, instead of having a fair amount of food like we used to get. We used to only have to pay if we wanted extra things, but everything started to change quickly.

A lot has changed, ever sense people started to become greedy. My family barely has enough money to afford this, we can only managed to buy a meal for one, and spilt it equally between the family.

I have one sibling, he's my brother, his name is Mephile, he annoys me, but I'd never let him starve, even though I don't think he'd return that thought. When we don't have enough food, I sneak a few pieces of my food on his plate, if my parents found out they'd yell at me, because they want us to eat all our food they give us and not starve.

"Here, take this and go buy us the cheapest meal, I have to go see if they changed our work schedules." My father spoke, as he handed me a bag of coins.

"Okay, I will." I replied. My father nodded and walked off, leaving me by myself to buy this weeks meal.

I sighed and walked to the stand where they held the food, I looked at there options, seeing the cheapest thing they had were gross beans. There prices always changed each week, last week cheapest thing we're strawberry's.

I cringed as I looked at the nasty beans, it was the only thing affordable, so I went to the counter, and waited for my turn to order.

Shortly after what felt like the longest wait of my life, someone finally came over. "Back again Shadow?" The lady said with a small laugh.

I nodded and put my bag of coins on the table. "Yes, I would like the get four bags of the beans." I said, as I handed her my coins.

She nodded and took the coins, and traded them for the four bag of beans. I nodded as a thanks and walked off.

I started walking back home with the bags of beans, I looked around at the trees, noticing they have started to look dead, I sighed as I continued walking. It was sad to see what the forest has become, it felt like I was the only one who cared at this point.

I finally arrived back at my place, I could hear my brother rambling about something that was completely not important to my mother. I walked into the place and put down the bag of beans on the table.

My mother turned around and cringed at the bag of beans, as well as my brother.

"I hate beans." My brother Mephile huffed under his breath.

I nodded in agreement and sighed. "It was the only thing we could afford this week."

My brother sighed, and looked down at the floor, a few seconds later my father ran into the house, with a scared expression.

"Everyone hide!" He yelled as he started pushing me and my brother to a hiding spot.

"Why?" I asked, as I was being pushed.

"They found us! The humans!" My father replied, as he locked my and my brother in a closet.

Everything became quiet, my brother and I didn't dare the make a single sound, we stayed in the closet in complete silence.

It felt like we were in the closet for days, until we heard someone open the closet. I thought it was maybe my mother or father telling us that everything was now okay, but it wasn't... It was a human.

My brother and I quickly backed farther into the closet, but we couldn't escape, they grabbed us out of the closet, and put us in cages. My brother and I screamed for them to let us go, as we tried to break out of the cage, but they took us away, not together, but apart, I watched my brother get farther and farther away, as tears flew down my face.

I didn't even realize what they were doing to me, until I seen needles, and felt them poke them into me, I started to feel dizzy, and my sight started to fade away, I felt like I was losing my memories, I felt tired, I slowly closed my eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.

𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 (sonadow)Where stories live. Discover now