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"What going on?" Rouge asked the two, looking at them with wide curious eyes.

"I remember..." Shadow spoke as he kept staring at Mephiles, who stared back at him with wide eyes, having the same facial expression.

"Your past?" Rouge asked with a raised brow, looking at the two siblings.

"Everything." Shadow replied as he stood up. "Mephiles, we need to get to Millah forest! Quick!" Shadow started heading to the door.

Mephiles nodded and stood up, and started to head to the door with Shadow, until they were stopped by Rouge.

"Guys! It's twelve o'clock at night! You cant go running around to restore a forest in the middle of the night!" Rouge replied as she stood in front of the door.

Shadow growled. "You don't understand! We have to now!" The ebony hedgehog hissed in frustration, crossing his arms together, glaring at her. "Get out of the way bat!"

Rouge glared back. "No! You guys are not going out in the middle of the night! You can wait until morning!" The white bat replied.

"We can't Rouge! If we don't restore the forest soon, the world will become a living hell! It's been slowly becoming one for the past years! Now get out of our way before I force you out!" Shadow growled.

Mephiles was as well glaring at her, waiting for Rouge to move out of the way, but she didn't, she stayed right where she was.

"I'm not moving! Quit being a lunatic, and go and sit down! There is no way I'm letting you go this late at night!" Rouge hissed with a imitating glare, narrowing her eyes.

Shadow huffed. "Fine! You asked for it!" The ebony hedgehog pushed the white bat out of the way, and ran out with his brother.

Silver and Shadow were shocked that Shadow had just did that, watching with wide eyes.

Rouge happened to fall onto the ground, she groaned out of frustration and got back up onto the ground, then looked at Sonic and Silver.

Sonic and Silver looked back at Rouge, not knowing what to possibly say about their mates actions.

"Quit staring at me and get your asses up, before those assholes get themselves hurt for being idiots!" Rouge demanded.

Silver and Sonic quickly nodded and got up, and started heading out the door with the white bat, not even going to attempt to go against her wishes.

The three followed the figures running up ahead, practically running Shadows through the middle of the night.

Flashbacks ran through Shadow and Mephiles mind, their running steps making soft thumps as they ran, a lullaby their mother sung for them running through their minds.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
You make me happy when skies are grey.
You'll never know dear, how much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.

Tears started to form in the siblings eyes, as they ran faster, having a look of determination on their faces, not noticing the three who were running after them.

Silver and Rouge were struggling to catch up as Sonic had no problem to, but he was going a bit slower so Silver and Rouge wouldn't loose track of him.

Suddenly Shadow and Mephiles disappeared out of Sight, causing Rouge, Silver, and Sonic to skid to a stop.

Rouge looked around them confused. "Where did they go?!"

𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 (sonadow)Where stories live. Discover now