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Shadow had just went deeper into the temple, he looked behind him and couldn't see Rouge or Sonic anymore.

"Damn it's dark in here." Shadow muttered to himself as he turned on his flashlight Sonic had gave to him.

Shadow shined the flashlight around and began looking around the temple, seeing nothing out of the ordinary to be expected in the temple.

A hour had gone by and he found nothing. Absolutely nothing. It wasn't helping about that fact it was pitch black in there, and all he had for a source of light was this tiny flashlight.

Shadow shined his flashlight towards a wall, revealing a wall that had a lot of ancient writings as well as drawings.

Shadow went over and put a hand on the wall by instinct, he ended up dropping everything out of his hands as he got struck by a flash back.

"Mephiles! Get back here! I'm not done with you!" I growled as I ran towards my idiot brother, in full rage.

My brother Mephiles thought it would be a good, clever idea to steal the money my father had given me that morning to buy us food for the week, and spend it on himself to get this dumb meaning less game.

"Dad is going to kill you I hope you know! Now we're going to starve this week and it's all your fault! Why are you so selfish!" I growled as I chased after him.

"I'm not selfish! We won't starve! Calm down Shadow!" Mephiles pleaded as he ran away from me.

I growled. "Calm down? How about you start acting older then me and start caring about our family!" I spoke with a furious glare.

"Why is there so much yelling in here boys?" Our father asked as he entered our room we shared, looking concerned. "Aren't you supposed to be out getting food lad?" Father asked me.

"I would be, but Mephiles stole time money you had gave me to go buy himself a stupid game! Now we're going to starve and it's all his fault!" I said, telling on my brother for what he had did.

Mephiles hissed at me and huffed. "Why do you have to be such a bitch!" He said with a glare, glaring daggers into me.

Our father glared at Mephiles. "What have I told you about swearing! I am taking away thag game and you are grounded for two months!"

Mephiles gasped. "But dad! That's not fair! I was speaking the truth! You and mother taught me never to lie!" Mephiles whined as he held his game close.

"Cut the shit Mephiles and hand over you game!" Father growled as he held out his hand for the game, tapping his foot impatiently.

Mephiles scoffed and put it roughly into fathers hands, his eyes narrowing as he looked at father with hatred visible in his eyes. "You never loved or cared about anyone but yourself! That why we never have money like everyone else! It's all your fault we're poor, and Shadow is just so far up your ass he's delusional about who you really are!" Mephiles hissed as he ran out of the room.

Father scoffed and left the room, shaking his head in disappointment, leaving me behind, like I was invisible to him.

Shadow blinked for a few seconds as he got out of his flashback, he picked up everything off the floor and looked at the time, it's been four hours!

Shadow cursed and started to try and find his way out of temple, he couldn't believe he was out of it for that long. He hadn't found any information, besides that flash back.

The flash back made him confused, especially about the fact that Mephiles was his brother and about the fact he had a father.

This was all making him question his past more by the second, making him more confused.

𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 (sonadow)Where stories live. Discover now