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Shadow was soon released from the hospital and got to go home finally. Sonic took care of Shadow and Mars and also did house chores.

Mars was well behaved and never started trouble, which Sonic and Shadow were happy about, considering that means It made their life's ten times easier.

Two weeks passed by quickly and soon Shadow was up and out of bed. It was time to return to work, which was dreadful to him but at least it be short today!

Shadow looked at Sonic and gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Cya when I get home tonight love." The ebony hedgehog said with a smile.

"Goodbye Shadow. Stay safe." Sonic said, kissing Shadows cheek with a smile.

"I will." Shadow replied, before going over to Mars and giving her a hug. "I'll cya later too." The ebony hedgehog spoke to his daughter.

Mars giggled and nodded. "Okay dad!" She replied with a smile.

"Don't cause trouble for Mommy alright?" Shadow told his daughter, knowing she wouldn't cause trouble, but still wanted to say it to joke around.

Mars giggled and nodded. "Okay! Got it!" She smiled, then released from the hug.

Shadow releases from the hug as well then checked the time. "Okay I really gotta go. I'll you guys later! Bye love you!" The ebony hedgehog said with a little wave before chaos controlling to work.

Sonic and Mars waved back, then softly sighed and looked to each other and shrugged.

Shadow smiled as he sat down in his office chair and went onto his laptop. He went into his file that was called 'Mission Accomplished' and went onto the typing.

Rouge then came into the room and smiled. "Morning!" The white bat said to Shadow as she sat down at her desk which was next to Shadows desk.

"Good morning Rouge." Shadow replied with a soft smile.

"Ready to start writing the report?" Rouge asked with a raised brow, as she pulled out a laptop of her own and turned it on.

Shadow nodded with a confident smile. "More ready then ever! Anyways, you get any report on what they did with Amy?" The ebony hedgehog asked.

"She was sent to prison for 165 year sentence. Which is practically a life sentence because there's no way she'd live for that long." Rouge replied to Shadow as she put her mug of coffee on her desk that she was holding before.

Shadow nods and goes into his desk and pulls out coffee beans and starts chowing on them. "That's good. I'm glad she's gone now. One less thing to worry about now." The ebony hedgehog said with a relieved smile.

Rouge nods in agreement as she grabbed her mug of coffee again and took a sip of it before setting it back down onto her desk. "I agree on you with that completely. She's insane. I'm surprised she didn't end up in a metal hospital!" The white bat said with a shake of her head.

Shadow chuckled with a nod. "Mhmm, you completely right on that." The ebony hedgehog agreed.

"Well anyways we better start on theses reports before we're stuck here any longer then we have to be. I have lots of shopping to continue!" Rouge exclaimed with a chuckle.

Shadow smiled with a small laugh and nodded. "Yeah, wouldn't want to miss out on all those amazing shopping deals!" The ebony hedgehog chuckled.

Rouge made a small laugh before beginning to type on her laptop the report for the mission they had done.

Shadow looked at his Laptop and stared at it for a few moments before starting to type down a report for commander. This report didn't really feel like a report now that he began typing it out, it kinda felt like he was writing a book.

Hundreds of years ago, stood a forest called Millah, this forest contained three things, Love, Hatred, And Power. Now, this forest wasn't perfect, but it felt perfect, well it used to. It used to only contain Love, and Power, but Power always costed something, which wasn't a easy task. People started to get greedy with the power, and wanted it all for themselves, which caused the forest to contain hatred, with people not caring about the forest anymore and only wanting power, the forest started to lose its beauty, and it lost its love, power took over the people, and all they cared about was the power...


Authors note:
If you don't get it, this whole book was Shadows report to Commander. Anyways I hoped you enjoyed! Thank you for those who had read, commented, and voted! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 (sonadow)Where stories live. Discover now