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The next day they all went back to the temple, a Shadow and Sonic didn't tell Rouge about them now being together, nor did they show any signs.

Rouge didn't suspect a thing, which was very much a good thing for the two hedgehogs. They kept their cool, not showing any signs.

Sonic was struggling a little, he was at acting, he just wanted to spit out what happened and go and hold Shadows hand, but he didn't.

Shadow was currently now in the temple, looking around. He decided not to touch anything this time. He took pictures of the walls as he walked around the inside of the temple.

Shadow had tripped over something well he was walking, he fell over, almost face planting into the floor. He looked over to see what he had tripped on and seen a book.

Shadow picked up the book and began to read, skimming through it, his eyes widened when he found a chapter about the Millah Forest.

Millah Forest:
It's is not a myth like most would assume, it is very much real. The humans burned down the forest, taking advantage to the power, as well as the Mobians they captured and turned into their slaves or science experiment. As much as I isnt a myth, the Slavet Temple is the only thing left remaining some of the power that was from the forest. Legend says that two brothers will be able to restore the Forest with its power and get back what had all been lost. These two brothers will someday encounter each other and see a flash back, that shall remove the spell they are under and fully return there memories. Only those two shall enter the temple, and only those two shall restore its power.

Shadow was shocked at reading that. This meant that he and another male were the ones who shall restore the forest and its power.

He remembered the flash back, seeing Mephiles, he couldn't be his brother? Could he? Thoughts ran through the ebony hedgehog mind as he took pictures of the pages on his camera.

As soon as Shadow was done, he turned the page to be revealed a loose page, it was a map. He took the picture of the map and then took it with him, seeing it was the map to the forest.

The map was very outdated and most likely would take a bit to be able to negative to the area where the map supposedly leads to.

Shadow was very much excited to finally get this darn mission over and completely with, he was so over it, but at the same time, he wondered about Mephiles.

Shadow knew before they went to the forest, they should find Mephiles and see if they get that flash back or not.

It was very much hard for him to believe that they could be brothers, but he couldn't come up with any other explanation of why Mephiles would be in that one flash back he had seen when he had touched the wall.

Shadow made his way out of the temple with the map, fully knowing he'd now have to tell Sonic and Rouge about the flash back, explain what the book said, and probably explain why he didn't tell them about the flash back the day before.

Shadow existed the temple and went over to where Rouge and Sonic were sitting, where they had been waiting for him to come back out.

"I'm back." Shadow spoke up as he walked towards them, with the map, flashlight, and camera in his hands.

"You were much quicker then yesterday." Rouge commented as she stood up, seeing the map in his hands. "What's that?" She asked.

Sonic has gotten up as well, he stayed quiet, not wanting to expose anything out of nervousness, knowing he'd probably do that if he spoke.

"It's a map to the forest. It's out dated so it might take a while to navigate there." Shadow replied to the white bat.

"So let's go!" Rouge spoke excitedly as she tried to grab the map, but couldn't reach it because Shadow held it away from her.

"There's more i need to tell you guys." Shadow said, as he held onto the map, looking at the two with a hint of nervousness in his eyes.

"What is it?" Rouge asked, crossing her arms together, looking into his eyes, seeing the nervousness.

"Best I explain it back at the hotel." Shadow replied, not wanting to tell them here at the temple, considering he didn't want just anyone to hear.

Rouge huffed and sighed. "Fine, lets get back then." She began to walk towards the car they took here to the temple.

Sonic and Shadow nodded and followed her to the car, they glanced at each other then looked away, not wanting to seem suspicious.

𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 (sonadow)Where stories live. Discover now