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Somebody comes to the backstage and you see... Kairi and some other guy. Kairi pointed the gun at the other strippers and said "where's y/n?!!" You got up and said, "I'm right here don't shoot them!" Kairi pulled your arm and dragged you outside. He threw you in his car and he drove. You got so scared and you stayed quiet. It was a long drive and you saw some really tall buildings and many people. You realize you are in New York and you sit up. You guys arrive to some weird looking building and Kairi took you inside. It was so dark and empty. Kairi put you to the ground and started beating you. You cover yourself with your arms from getting hit. Kairi stopped and you looked at him. He picked you up and threw you. "Kairi stop please!" You said as you were crying. He didn't listen and you got up you back away as he walks towards you until your back hits a wall.

"Kai-." He banged the gun on your head and you blacked out.

(Kairi's pov)
I didn't want to do this to y/n or Desiree would've killed me. I carried her to the car and put her in the back seat. I drove back to Jersey and went to my house I threw her on my bed and went back to the car. I stopped recording and sent the video to Desiree. "Good job Kairi." She texted. I told my friend, Waseem who was with me to drive back to y/n's job. He did and I picked her car up. He left with his car and I drove y/n's car back to my house.

(Back to 3rd person😗)

You wake up to seeing Your in Kairi's bed. Your head and body hurt a lot. You hear a car pull up and hide under Kairi's bed. You heard someone come in and saw kairi. He saw you and pulled you from under the bed. You said, "please don't hurt me please don't hurt please don't hurt me!" Kairi sat you on his bed and said, "I didn't want to.." you look at him confused and say, "what do you mean you didn't want to?!" He replies with, "Desiree made me do this, If I didn't she would've killed me, possibly you!" You look at him and say 'Desiree?' He nods his  head and looks down.

There was a couple seconds of silence and then you said, "I'm gonna kill her!" You got up and limped. Kairi said, "No don't do it you can get sent to jail." You look at him and say "says the one who killed have of the club." You couldn't really walk. You were limping and your arm hurt badly. Kairi grabbed you gently and said, "lay down I will give you a massage." You did what he said and he started massaging your back. It felt tingly but good. He massaged your leg that made you limp. "ow that leg hurts bad." You said. Kairi gently massaged it and said "try to fall asleep you might have a concussion" you look at him confused, your head only hurts but you don't seem to have a concussion. Kairi says, "I brung your car too so don't worry about that." You look at the ceiling as Kairi puts his blanket over you and gives you an ice pack for the big bump on your head.

You couldn't fall asleep because Kairi was right there watching you. Until he looks away as someone barges in..

A/n: this should be interesting yes.

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