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Until he looks away as someone barges in...

It was Desiree, Cynthia and Lena and some other girl. "I'm not dumb Kairi" said Desiree looking at you. I sat up and Kairi said "Desiree what the fuck leave!!" Desiree pulled out a gun and pointed it at Kairi. Cynthia pointed a gun at you. You know for a fact that Cynthia psycho ass will shoot. You stood still as Lena and The other girl carry you out and throw you in the trunk of the car. "Lena pl-" she shuts the door on you and you try to get out. After a couple minutes you feel the vehicle move and heard laughing.

You bang on the door and scream "help me" as the vehicle stops. You think they stopped at a red light but then the door opens and they carry you out. "Please let go of me." they drop you on the ground and you see Kairi, Mattia and Alejandro pulling them away. You got up and ran as fast as you could. Mattia chases you and picks you up. "Y/n it's okay" he says "It's not okay the fuck!" You say. You get out of Mattia's arms and run away traumatized. You were scared to get shot or hurt even more. You continue running as you run out of breath and don't stop. You slowed down and couldn't breathe. You fall to the ground and you pass out.

You wake up to seeing yourself in the hospital. "I didn't ask to come here ma'am" you say to the nurse. "we saved your life honey" you see Mattia. You tell him to come here. He comes to you and says "oh gosh I got worried" you smirk and say "I'm pretty sure you got me here or called the ambulance, so your paying for the bill boo" he looks at you In a bitch what? Face. "Can I go now I'm not tryna he here." You say at the nurse. She doesn't answer you. "Bitch I know you can hear me it's either you answer or I'm dipping" you say smirking at the nurse. (Lmfao mood) she looks at you and says "can you breathe properly? No heavy breathing?" You say "yes I can breathe properly now can I leave?" She makes you sign papers and you leave.

Mattia takes you to his house. You pull out your vape and before you even put it in your mouth, Mattia smacked it out your hand. "The fuck was that for!?" You exclaimed. "Are you okay y/n why are you acting like this you were just scared and n-"   You laugh and say "cause I'm a bad bitch" you sounded high. Mattia threw your vape out the window and you say "bro what the fuck that shit ain't free you're buying me another one!!" You yell. Mattia giggles and you look at the road annoyed.

You both arrive at his house and go inside. You see Cynthia, Lena, Desiree and the other bitch. "Alright I'm out bye Mattia." You say. Mattia pulls your arm and says "just get along with each other." Mattia went to the bathroom and you sat their quiet looking at your phone. Cynthia says "We gonna kill you dirty bitch" you gave her the finger and walked out Mattia's room. Mattia went to his room and came out a couple minutes later, "you already got shit started wtf y/n" you look at him and say "you believe those bitches?! Are you mental?!" He says "you're mental don't you see how you're acting!!" You roll your eyes and you text Kairi to pick you up. He comes over and picks you up and you go to his house.

A/n: so uhm this was kinda whack but um like should somebody kill somebody 😗 lmk

Daddy's gurl(Mattia Polibio)Where stories live. Discover now