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Jungkook was lately not in his form. When all of them were talking,he would space out or daydream of something or  someone else . They both are keeping distance now. Even they both don't dare to look at each other. Jungkook was not aware of one thing that love can even happen between same gender. It's not his mistake, he has never committed to meet any same sex relationship.So this is the reason why he is unaware of his feeling towards Taehyung? Maybe.

It was a usual day. They're in microbiology lecture. The professor was teaching 'Bacillus Anthrax' one of the bacteria. "In culture the bacteria shows medusa head appearance. Anyone know the history behind medusa? Anybody know Greek mythology?" Jungkook turned his head towards Tae, as reflex to check whether he was rising his hands or not, who was sitting on the last bench. Yes, Tae started to sit on the last bench, a year before. Tae Was just looking at the professor. Jungkook turned his focus towards the professor.

"Does anyone?" "Ok let me tell you an interesting story from Greek mythology. Once there lived a girl Medusa, too beautiful with most features on the face,her hair was long black and wavy. She was the priest in the Athena's temple. Athena was the God of wisdom,the daughter of Zeus (God of Gods). One day when Medusa was taking a walk on the sea shore, Poseidon, who was the king of the ocean, took a good look at Medusa. He was a  rival of Athena back then. So in order to take revenge on Athena, Poseidon decided to take the virginity of Medusa. Medusa struggled to get out of his grip.But she was only a mortal being, what she can do against God of ocean. Athena found this and cursed Medusa "Your face should turn into the ugliest one, each strand of you hair will turn into snake. And whoever looks straight into your beautiful eyes will turn into a stone".

Jungkook was totally gotten into the story, so does the whole class. After the lecture all were heading towards a canteen area for lunch. Jungkook was the last to fill his plate with food only the place near Tae was free, he sat there without complaining. His friends doesn't find this the abnormal behaviour of jungkook. Now as usual all were immersed in the chatting. "Guys this Saturday, you all are invited to our house because its my parents wedding anniversary" "We are helding a small party at my house you all should come" jimin said. "Of course Mr.No Jams" Hobi replied. "YOUUUU......" Jimin starts to reach for Hobi. Our table is already a chaos.

After the dinner at Mr. Park place Jungkook and Tae had a normal conversation. It's been 2 month, Mid of  December, they have been planing for a college trip to a mountain area. It was an amazing trip for all the boys.Tae and jungkook sat on the two seater throughout the trip. Jungkook and tae seem to be closer. They took more than a  hundred pictures. The jump screamed and ran against each other, They just enjoyed the trip. Jungkook recorded video of Tae screaming on top of his lungs,at the mountain peak. They slept next to each other. Little did jungkook doesn't know was, tae was draining out of energy, every single hour of the day. Tae was not a very socializing person. He gets uncomfortable at crowded places.

But the night before , while they were waiting for the tour bus to arrive, Jungkook stuck on to tae and asked why he was looking dull? "why are you out of energy? it's like not even the trip has started." Tae just covered it was nothing. This morning when he was bit moody (it was his usual self) jungkook worried sick  about him. Tae doesn't like the way jungkook becomes dull after seeing him. So he tried to put himself in a role which he is not used to, He made himself smile and be energetic for jungkook sake.

The third day of the trip was to an amusement park. Tae was pleasing jungkook to go to the roller coaster, they had more fun. They enjoyed their all rides. Jin and j hope were screaming on top of their lungs. Tae and jungkook enter the rain dance.  Jungkook was mesmerized by tae's dance. Though Tae kept on telling he was the worst dancer, his dance told something else. By the end of the day they all went to water splash, where they got an amazing photograph. They all enjoyed the two to the most. After the tour, for the winter break all went to their home. Jungkook did call tae daily and ask about daily routine. But tae tend to cut the line as soon as possible. Jungkook would always be happy when he is in his home Cox it's the place where all his favourite being are there. This logic doesn't be applicable now. Tho he was surrounded with all his happiness be was missing someone. He cant point out what and why he was missing him. He just want him to be with him all time. He himself can't sort out what he really thinking, he was in a mess. He himself becoming a mess.
Days later he texted tae.

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