24. Kintsugi

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Jungkook watched the sunset at the horizon, spreading its largess into a grateful sky. Rich hues of red blended with oranges, purples, crimsons. It was a more calming site. He came to attend a  call from his professor regarding a patient health. He was wearing the hand woven sweater by his grand mother and standing on the terrace enjoying the sunset. After months he got to enjoy his hometown's view.

"Too noisy there, your mom is yelling at me" his dad said standing beside him "Enjoying the sunset ahh?"

Jungkook turned to his father and nodded. "what did you have done this time ?" Jungkook asked and smiled because he knows this was so normal in their home.

"Do she even need a reason to yell at me" his dad laughed.

Jungkook nodded.

"How is everything going at America?"

"Perfect Dada!" " I told you right, I finished a research work, waiting for it's publication. And the work at hospital is amazing, you know right I love this."

His dad nodded "How is things  with Your friend?" " I guess his name is Tae-- Taehyung."

"Pretty well"

"You two have a nice friendship."

This was far bolder than anything Jungkook anticipated. "Yes," Jungkook replied, trying to leave his “yes” hanging in
midair . He just hoped his father  hadn’t caught the seemingly fatigued Yes, and so? in his voice.

"You’re too smart not to know how rare, how special, what you two having now." Jungkook already told His parents everything happened at the college long before and now he even cleared them say they are just friends not more than or less than that. But now his father came up with something.

"I think he was better than me, smarter than me dada."

"I am sure he’d say the same about you, which flatters the
two of you." His father reached out and touched his hand.

"Fear not. It will come. At least I hope it does. And when you least expect it."His dad made a great metaphor for love saying that as 'it'. "Nature has cunning ways of finding our weakest spot. Just remember: I am here. Right now you may not want to feel anything. You never wished to feel anything. And it’s not with me that you’ll want to speak about these things. But feel something you did."

Jungkook looked at him. This was the moment when Jungkook should lie and tell him he was totally off course. He was about to.

"Look," His father interrupted. "You had a beautiful friendship.
Maybe more than a friendship. And I envy you. In my place, most parents would hope the whole thing goes away, or pray that their sons land on their feet soon enough. But I am not such a parent."
"You can not stay in the shallow waters of your heart and expect to find happiness. You must always go deeper. Deeper is where the beautiful fish swim. Sometimes you do risk drowning, but to swim in the waters of love at all you must accept the occasional uncertainty of the depths. Despite the risk of drowning, it will always make a beautiful splash. And when your heart breaks, I want you to pick up the pieces and take the time to repair it. Not the way that it is but with gold at the seams. Kintsugi your heart and let the gold at the broken pieces be a part of your history with love. Giving our heart to another is the greatest gift that we have, but Not everyone will appreciate your special kind of heart and your perfect kind of soul, but if you keep loving, you will find the person who can.!"

Jungkook couldn’t begin to take all this in. Jungkook was dumbstruck.

"Have I spoken out of turn?" his dad asked.

Jungkook shook his head.

"Then let me say one more thing. It will clear the air. My close friend may have come across this same situation. He was a very good person. We met at our college days. We both had same major, within few days he became more close to me. He often says ' your the only person I ever trust in my life '. One day he came out saying he likes the same gender. I was offended. I was offended not because he was a gay but because why he kept this as secret from me for a so long time. He had a boy friend at his hometown. And told me lot about him. After summer break when the colleges opened he never came back, just the information of him committed suicide came. He came out saying gay and he had a boyfriend to his family. But they told it was a phase and he can come out of that, they told it was sin to do such act. The people around him gave judging look, passed comments and made his life a living hell. His parents were no less than that they never supported and pressurized him more which lead to his worst decision of his life."

"I don't want the same to repeat again. Kook, this world is filled with all kinds of people, some may be nice and encourage you, some may ditch and back stab you, some may judge you. You never listen to any of their voice. This is your life. You have rights to decide anything and everything good for you. They are not going to live for you. So, always let you heart take the lead and ask your brain whether it's right. Expose your heart and soul to the world but never let anyone to understand."

"We may never speak about this again. I will have been a terrible father if, one day, you’d want to speak to me and felt that the door was shut or not sufficiently open. Remember one thing kook,I'm here. I'm here to hear you out whenever you needed some one"

Jungkook wanted to ask him how he knew. But then how could he
not have known? How could anyone not have known? Jungkook smiled and hugged his father. "Thanks Dada"

His father patted his shoulder saying it's nothing.

"You both, come down now orelse your dinner will be cut." His mom yelled from the stairs.

They both just laughed because they know not in this whole universe his mom will not feed him food.


Sitting on the bed Tae doesn't utter a single word.

"Do you want to speak about anything?" Jimin asked pouring the water in glass.

"No" Tae was staring at the plain wall.

"Tae, it breaks me to see you like this. I'm not compelling you to say something but know that I'm here for you"

Tae hugged jimin's waist sinking his head on his stomach "Thanks, jimin." Jimin stroked Tae's hair.


It's fucking my favourite chapter 💜💜💜

Hi guys
Hope your all doing well
Thanks for reading and a big thanks for voting

It's a double updated today🤩
My fav chap deserve something special, right😉

Enjoy the chap💜

Have a good day /night💜

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