32. I'm all your's

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In the dead of night, when the rest of the world sleeps, hospital is weirdly bright and quiet. There is activity, but it’s hidden behind doors and shushed for the neighbors. The night duty staffs wander the halls in search of a source of caffeine to prop up drooping eyelids, slinking down halls filled with people you plucked from their lives and installed into your healthcare assembly line.

Jungkook was welcomed by the benzoin smell of hospital, which he is used to. He made his way straight into Surgery ward II, at the second floor. The beeping sound of the monitoring machines and snoring sound of patients were well heard in this quite environment.

"Mr. JK! I'm the one called you sir ." A pale white boy wearing white coat, way too shorter than him, came towards him with reports assumed to be, the patient, they were talking about.

"He was the patient,I told you at phone." He pointed out the bed , just three bed ahead where they are standing. "Mr. Jack, a 35 yr ol--"

"He came here for stent replacement, right?" Jungkook asked, checking the pulse and light reflex.

"Yes sir! He had his coronary angioplasty this morning. Now he is under observation. "

"Give the ECG reports"

PRINTOUT OF ECG recording showing Torsades de pointes

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PRINTOUT OF ECG recording showing Torsades de pointes. The blue line shows the characteristic QRS “twist” around the isoelectric baseline, demonstrating a rapid, polymorphic ventricular tachycardia.

Seizure phenotype in individuals with congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS), a potentially fatal cardiac conduction disorder that can be detected only by electrocardiogram (ECG).

Because fainting and seizures are common symptoms of LQTS(Long QT syndrome), the disorder is often mistaken for epilepsy and treated with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) while the underlying cardiac risk goes undetected.

"Good thing, You gave only Phenytoin not other drugs. He has the history of LQTS."
" Beta blockers drug like nadolol and propranolol. They slow the heart rate and prevent seizure episode." Jungkook took the propranolol vial and loaded the injection.

"Did he take his medication?" He asked .

"I guess, no sir"

"Where is his attender? I want to talk to them shortly"

"Yes sir!"

Jungkook asked for the past history of the patient from the attender and found that he was very irregular at taking medication.

Jungkook kept the patient under observation to prevent futher episode of seizure. After making the patient stable, Jungkook adviced the patient to take his medication continuous, as the late incident can be prevented, if he had taken his medicine properly for his Arrhythmia.

Hasen thanked jungkook. Jungkook just patted his shoulder and left.

Time:7.37am read the clock. Tae was standing at the balcony sipping on the coffee mug, in his bathrobe. He had deep thought running inside his head. He find it very funny, how he tried to run away from his own feelings. Now, he whole heartedly accepts one thing, being with Jungkook, is the only thing he ever need in his life. Being in love with him is the best feeling in the world. His heart pounds and His head spins just by glancing at him. Every fiber on his body just relaxes at his touch and hurts so much without it. Tae sometimes breakdown and cry because he cant handle the over flow of love in his heart. Its incredible. But having to be away from the person for whatever period of time hurts like hell. It was also the most painful time . He had the worst days for making Jungkook suffer back at college days. Tae often blame him for his action. But now, everything changed, he become more strong both physically and mentally.

A pair of arms circled around his waist making him feel the warmth at his back, Jungkook rested his head at Tae's shoulder. Words doesn't exchanged, the feeling of being with eachother is enough.

Their afternoon was spent eating food, watching movies and then falling asleep with Jungkook curled up on Taehyung's chest.

As the sun started lower in the sky, the bright golden rays shined right through the window and directly onto Tae's face. He rubbed his eyes open and looked down to find jungkook curled up against his body with his head on his chest and an arm around his waist as little tiny snores escaped from him. Tae knows Jungkook barely got rest and he was very tired of everything.

Tae couldn't help but admire how beautiful jungkook looked like this so small and peaceful in his arms. 'how can we go from a muscly brat to this so easily?'

Jungkook's head suddenly perked up as he looked around the room with an adorable crunched up sleepy face. He turned his head to look up at Taehyung and smiled with half closed eyes.

"We fell asleep" he said and Tae couldn't handle how damn gorgeous he looked with his hair all messy and slightly curly.

"We did" Tae chuckled with a low voice as he turned his body to face jungkook who immediately snuggled his face into Tae's warm cozy chest.

They just laid in the bed and held each other for a little bit in the calm quiet room before jungkook eventually slide his hand heavy down tae's body and to his thighs grabbing it and pulling his body closer

He moved his head up and started leaving little kisses on  Tae's neck, as his hand played with the waistband of his dark grey shorts. Tae felt jungkook's slight cold fingers slip down and palm him under clothes.

"You're mine and I'm all your's" jungkook breathe out into his neck and Taehyung let out a small moan as he teased him with slow strokes.

Taehyung tilted jungkook head up by his chin and let his eyes case over him briefly before finally kissing him, their lips soft and warm as they moved against each other, thumbs slowly creasing on the scar. ' I'm your's and You're mine' Tae once again felt the overwhelming emotion.


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Something unexpected can happen at next chap😉
Have a good day/ night.

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