16. Kiss me my pain away

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Jungkook took a glance at tae when he broke the kiss, he got to see the most sinful site in the whole world. The hooded eyes filled with lust, make him to do more to tae. The opened out first two buttons of the silk shirt, exposing the milky white skin, tempts jungkook to mark that.

Tae's hands were on jungkook's hair lock. Jungkook got to retract himself from tae. Tae tried to hold him back, before that Jungkook gave a last glance at Him and turned to his room.

Tae couldn't register anything that happened here. Before he got to think what just happened, his phone ranged.

"Hello, emmo"

"Tae, it's your dad"

"Appa. How are you? Is everything okay? It would be late night there and you have not gone to bed yet?" Tae slightly panicked. It's not like he gets to talk to his parents daily. Only his mom calls him that too occasionally.

"I'm good tae. Me and your emmo were talking, we didn't noticed the time. So we thought of calling you. How are you tae?"

"Fine Appa"

"Wait let me give the phone to your mom"

"Hello Tae. How are you, dear? Are you eating well?

"Yes emmo. I'm fine, eating good. How are you?"

"I'm good tae. Just I'm worried about you." Tae clearly knows now, where this conversation is heading to. "Tae, my friend sounyo's cousin has a daughter Tae. She also completed Medicine and doing her post graduate in Seoul. She is very beautiful tae. She will make a great wife tae."

"Emmo! Please! I don't want to get married now. Please mom."

"Tae, why are you doing this. Why don't you give a try? If your loving or has interest on any girl, please tell that out. We won't oppose you"

"No,emmo. It's not that like"

"Then what?" She raised her voice. "You're not getting married" "We want your sister to get married, even she wants to but how we can, you're not getting married and being a barrier in your sister's life." She screamed on the phone

Tae doesn't responded, he kept quiet. His eyes were glistening.

"Look Tae, Marry yourself a girl. Or marry someone we choose for you."She hung up the phone.

So now they are seeing me as a barrier. They just want to get rid of me. Why can't they ask me what I want for once. Why they don't hear me out. Tae was telling to himself while the salty tear travelled through his cheeks.


Inside jungkook's room. Jungkook was punching on the punch bag letting out anger. But for which anger, the one triggered by seeing someone touching Tae on bad intention or for the one he doesn't have  control over himself.

He removed his gloves and reached for the water bottle on his table. It was half filled. He emptied it but his thirst wasn't filled, so, he went to fetch water in the kitchen in his trousers wearing a white fit t-shirt.

Jungkook saw Tae sitting on the couch looking down. Jungkook gulped, he was not ready to answer any of Tae's questions or not even ready to see Tae.

But wait. Jungkook heard some sniffing sound. 'Is Tae crying?' 'But why? Is it because of me?' he thought to himself and reached tae . "Tae" Jungkook called him in a more smoothing way. Tae doesn't answered him, he doesn't even looked at Jungkook. Jungkook sat beside Tae and asked "Tae. Why are you crying? Is it beca....." Tae doesn't let him finish the word he just moulded his lips over jungkook's one. Tae hovered over jungkook, who was half lying on the couch now. He had his hand on both sides of jungkook's head. While they were moving their lips Jungkook would feel the wetness of tears on his own face. Jungkook was sure something was bothering tae, but he was happy that it was not the thing he had done a while ago.

Tae lifted his head up "kookie, why do they have to say that to me? Am I really bothering them? Make me forget everything kookie. Please make me"

Jungkook brought his face to Tae's face and cupped "I will make you forget everything but tell me what happened" asked slowly getting up. Tae was sitting on jungkook's lap now.

"My parents called me. They told me that I was being a barrier to my sister's marriage. Because I haven't got married yet." "I hate this Jungkook. I don't want to get married. Can't they once let me make discussion on my own in my fucking life."

"Tae" jungkook whipped his tears. "They are just caring about you tae." Jungkook knows everything about Tae's family. He knows that Tae never lived his life on his own.

"Caring" Tae let a chuckle "they never let me live my life jungkook. They never let me" "They just need a perfect son who fulfill all their dreams" "they never asked for my own willing what I feel about, what I want." "They decide on their own, make me believe that it was good for my life, and insist that into me." "I never lived my life kook. Never" Tae said whiping his tears.

"And now I'm a burden to them" "Nobody needs me." I'm just a waste of birth"

"Tae don't say such things. You're not a burden and not everybody doesn't need you. I need you tae. You're the perfect human I have ever found. The stress you can withhold is not an easy matter, tae. You're not a waste, you're the best creation of God. With your knowledge you have succeed this much in your life tae." "Don't let their words affect you. You're a gem, Tae. Just live your life as you wish. Never take their words into consideration." "Don't get hurt, when someone's intention is to give you pain and make you suffer. Just turn and see. I will be there for you . I. Will. Be. There. For. You. Always.Tae." Jungkook punctuated every word of the last sentence to get embedded in taes heart. But little did jungkook don't know was, how much impact these words have on Tae's heart already.

Tae pecked jungkook lips "your kiss reduces my pain" "Kiss me my pain away kookie"

"Then I will be kissing you for my lifetime to reduce your pain" jungkook said, tracing his thumb over tae's lower lip.

The back of tae hit the couch and they both went down, a tangle of legs and hands moving, exploring. Their hips were molded together and they moved against one another. Tae whispered Jungkook's name, and then his arms tightened around him, crushing Tae against his chest, Jungkook lips were busy exploring Tae's. They both drifted to dream land on each others arm.

Author's note

Hi buddies💜
Hope you all are doing well
Thanks for reading my book and a big thanks for voting
Have a good night/day💜

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