20. Why don't you let yourself hear you

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The sweet smell of pancakes filled the dense air of apartment. Jin and Yoongi were preparing breakfast. Namjoon and Jungkook were not down yet. Others were cleaning and setting the place to eat.

"Kook, Bring your lazy self quick. We are waiting" Jin shouted while crossing the hall carrying syrup and jam bottles to the table. He heard a faint 'coming' behind the shared room.

"Jimin ahh, go call joon. He might be sleeping in the shower. " Jimin laughed and ran upstairs.

"Jin pass me the strawberry syrup"Tae asked. They all ate breakfast in peace.


"Tomorrow we are going to amusement park and I already booked the tickets. The next day we will split and do Christmas shopping." "Today we don't have anything to do, we just chill here and have fun at home." Jimin said sipping the juice prepared by hobi.

"Already planned ahh?" Namjoon asked, taking the glass from the tray.

"Yeahh! If you want we can go to hot spring but that was under renovation. It will be ready within 2 or 3 days. We can go there after that" Hoseok said.

"You got hot spring here. Wow. Greatt!" Jungkook said,a bit surprised.

"It's not here just 2 floors above."
"For now let's all play some games" The day went by playing hide and seek inside the apartment, having pillow fights, screaming at eachother, narrating the worst situation, making the apartment a total chaos.


For dinner they ordered food from outside.

"Decide quickly" jimin asked for what movie to watch and all were shouting for their wished ones.

"Spiderman" Hobi shouting at one corner.

"No,no iron man" Jungkook on the other side.

"I can't believe I'm being friend with kindergarten kids" jimin said in fake disbelief.

"Marvel movies has no age limit" Namjoon defended them to which Jungkook nodded his head vigorously "And how about  Pokemon detective Pikachu" Namjoon added.

Jimin kept his hand on his head.

"Big hero 6" Tae said. "Yeah Big hero 6" jin raised his hand. "I too go with that" jimin said with the happiness at last these fellows made a decision.

By the climax, jin hobi and tae were swiping their tears with the tissues (where the bay max disintegrates)

"I too want a bay max"

"I'm not even surprised. I guessed you will say something like this" Jungkook said, grabbing the leftover popcorn at the bowl not looking at Tae.

Tae hit Jungkook with the pillow.


It was past 2 am. All gone to their bed. Jungkook was adjusting himself on the couch turning right and left as he couldn't find the comfortable position when he heard the faint footsteps. When he raised his head to check who it was ,he saw sleepy Tae carrying a water bottle coming downstairs. He went into the kitchen, Jungkook heard the water flowing sound. He got to jimin room and knocked on it. Nobody opened.

"Tae" Jungkook called from the couch.

"Kookie, you're up?" Tae asked and walked towards jungkook. He sat near Jungkook and laid his head on jungkook's shoulder "Namjoon is being loud. I can't sleep" "I forgot to pack my ear plugs. You have them?"

"I think I packed them. It must be in my luggage. But jimin and Jin hyung are fast asleep I guess."

"Aahhhh" Tae whinned and snuggled inside Jungkook wrapping his arm around him.

Jungkook covered Tae with his comforter and combed Tae's hair with his fingers.

"You're my bay max, right?" Tae said, raising his head from Jungkook's shoulder.

"You take care of me, you always keep me in safety zone, you play with me, you know how to make me smile, you will do anything to protect me" Tae said looking at dark orbits of Jungkook admiring how can even in this dark night it can be glowing like a star. Jungkook was once again wondered by Tae's words.

"If you say so. Then I'm " Jungkook said moving the hair strand behind Tae's ear.

"You never told me why you called me husband that day" 'that too your husband' Jung kook asked which he was dying to ask for the past few days.

"Because you're more of a husband material Kookie" tae said and pecked jungkook's lips. "You only notice my good qualities and accept and embrace the bad without making me feel guilty for having flaws, though you know I keep quite secrets from you." "Your the man every woman wish to have." "Lucky the lady, who got you?" Tae said the last line a mere whisper tried to not show the sadness and disappointment, all in vain Jungkook got that.

"Yeah, may be." Tae just smiled at Jungkook's word and got up.

Jungkook took Tae's right wrist and pulled him, Tae lost his balance and landed on jungkook's lap. Jungkook doesn't let Tae react. He took Tae's face on his palm. 'why don't you let yourself hear you, Tae? Why can't I be lucky by having you? Can't you see my feelings for you in my eyes?' Jungkook wants to ask them out loud. But he contained himself. Tae was at the verge of dropping the newly formed teardrop. But he closed his eyes and waited for the blissful moment of jungkook's lips crashing over his. "Did I ever told you, you're the most beautiful person I have ever seen in my life" Tae smiled with his closed eyes and moved forward. Jungkook took the hint and kissed him as he wish, as Tae wish.


"Chim, come here and look at this" jin whisper yelled and motioned his hand for jimin to  come over.

"What are you so excited about?" Jimin said, stretching his hands coming out of the room. "Ohhhh"

"What do you think happened last night?" Jin smirked at his own question.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Hobi, come look at this " jin said, calling hoseok the same way he did jimin.

Hoseok nodded sheepishly with the same thought running inside his head as jin and jimin. They all tiptoed out of there. Before jin left the hallway, he turned to the two sleeping boys, and smirked at how cute they are.


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