Say Cheese (Smile) - Malum

666 21 23

holy snickerdoodles we're at 1.99k and #5 in #calm

anyways, the prompt is from Lashtonlovechild ! Thank you for that 💚

The one where Calum tries to make Michael smile to win a bet, and realizes there's more to Michael than his constant frown.


"Guys, when was the last time you saw Michael smile?" Ashton all of a sudden asks.

"What do you mean? He smiled, like- ..wait," Luke replies, slowly realizing that he hasn't seen their bandmate smile. "That's weird. He kind of does frown a lot."

"His facial expression might be stuck in a frown til his funeral," their drummer jokes, taking a sip of his beer.

"Bet," Calum pipes up.

"Bet?" Luke asks. "On what?"

"Okay, you owe me $60 if I can make Mike smile in a month," the maori proposes, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow.

"2 weeks," Ashton pipes up.

"I-" Calum begins.

"1 week," Luke says. "All or nothing."

"Fine. Deal," Calum says, shaking each of his friend's hands. "I'll start as soon as possible!"

He grabs his jacket, bids Luke and Ashton goodbye, and rushes out the door to go home.


Calum arrives home, to Michael waiting for him. He already made dinner, a classic spaghetti and meatballs.

Calum pulls out a stool, and sits next to his best friend. "How's Andy?" He asks, wrapping a noodle around his fork, then proceeding to stab a meatball.

"Good," Michael answers. "He showed me some shots he took at the Halloween show."

"Cool," Calum answers.

It was silent for a while, which is unusual for the pair. On a daily occasion, they laugh about memes or horrible pick up lines while they eat. Then one of them (usually Michael; On Wednesdays it tends to be Calum) ends up having milk spill out of their nose from laughing so hard.

"I've known you for like, a bunch of years, and I've never seen you smile. What's wrong with you? Why don't you smile?" Calum questions as he bites another meatball, slathered in tomato sauce.

"Give me a reason to."


So, Calum does.

The first thing on his list, is to compliment Michael.

"I like your jacket, Mike. Where'd you get those pants?"

"Uh, thanks. And, I have no clue."

"Hah! You're hilarious," the kiwi laughs, but Michael just turns around and gives him a 'seriously' face.

"Okay, okay! I'm trying to make you smile, I admit it. I have a bet against Luke and Ashton."

"Hah. You're hilarious," Michael sasses, as he flips an egg.

Calum sighs, getting up and wrapping his arms around his friend's waist. "I'm not kidding. You actually look gorgeous." He hides his face in the crook of Michael's neck, rubbing against him.

"Good luck, Cal Pal. Looks like you might owe our mates some cash."

"Ugh, you don't have to rub it in."

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