• 18k!!! •

247 6 26

Thank you guys so much aaaaa wtf literally 2,000 away from 20k!!

I remember looking at books on here and seeing people with 50k and for like the big authors who get paid who have like 100M reads!! Like I never thought I'd get anywhere close but here I am, 2,000 reads away from being one fifth away from 100,000!!

I mean this book started in JANUARY and so if we got 20,000 in a year?? That's amazing! I think, with the way y'all work, and if I update a little bit more, we could easily get 2,000 more by the end of the year, I mean-

This is amazing, and so perfect. It's like I'm in a dream and I'm waiting for someone to wake me up and say, "yo, time to get back to the real world bro" but it just never comes.

Keep dreaming everyone 🥺💚
ily 🌈

also, btw, this is PART 70!!! Ik yall cant see like 10 if those parts but dw they'll get finished one day.. one day..

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