For as long as I can

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"You not eating anything?" Edmund asked his older brother, who was sat staring at his breakfast, an uncomfortable look on his face.
He looked up when Edmund spoke and shrugged. "Not really that hungry." He answered, smiling slightly.
Edmund frowned, glancing at Susan who shrugged. "That's unlike you." He said, turning back to Peter.
"There's been plenty of times you've not been hungry and that's unlike you." Peter pointed out.
Edmund stared at him... he couldn't argue with that. So he just shrugged and went back to his breakfast.
"You probably should eat something though Peter." Susan said after a short while of silence. "You've got that meeting to sit through this morning."
Peter groaned. "I nearly forgot about that." He muttered.
"What's the meeting about?" Lucy asked curiously.
Peter shrugged. "Just plans to get Narnia back to normal now that the witch is dead." He said, waving his hand slightly. "Something along the lines of that."
Edmund stared at his brother for a while. "Do you want me to go instead?" He asked.
Peter shook his head. "No, no, I'll go it's fine." He said, looking down at his food and beginning to eat.
He got about half way through his breakfast before pushing his plate away, swallowing hard.
"Peter?" Lucy said, catching his attention. "Are you alright? You dont look well."
Peter stared at her before smiling. "I'm fine Lu." He said. "Honest." He added quickly when he saw Edmund and Susan both staring at him, identical frowns on their faces. "Just tired."
Lucy nodded in understanding, she knew her older brother got nightmares, both of them did actually.
"Well then." Peter muttered after a while. "I suppose I should go to that meeting."
Susan nodded. "See you later?" She said.
Peter nodded back and stood from his chair, swaying slightly before gripping the table. "Bye." He muttered, and before either of his siblings could question him he quickly left the room.
"Is he alright?" Susan asked, sounding slightly concerned.
Edmund frowned. "He seemed absolutely fine this morning when we woke up." He answered. "Except he lost his balance when he got out of bed, but he said he just stood up too fast."
Susan nodded slowly. "Just let's all keep an eye on him." She muttered. "To be honest I don't think he's fully recovered yet."
Edmund nodded, she was right - Peter definitely wasn't fully better... but then again, neither was he. His throat was still a little sore, and sometimes he'd find himself unable to breathe for a few seconds, but other than that he was fine, except for he was tired, really, really tired.
"I'll go find him after his meeting." Edmund announced. "See if I can get him to tell me what's wrong."
"Good luck." Lucy mumbled, going back to her food.
Edmund sighed, nodding a little... He was gonna need it.


After being told that Peter's meeting was over Edmund went in search of his brother, not finding him for almost twenty minutes.
He was stood on the balcony of their room, leaning against the railing and staring at something in his hand.
"Pete?" Edmund asked, walking up and standing beside him.
Peter looked to his left, smiling slightly when he saw that it was Edmund. "Hey." He whispered, before looking out over the woods.
Edmund looked down to see what Peter was holding in his hand, and sighed when he did, it was the core of the apple that had saved Edmund's life.
Despite it being a long while since he'd actually eaten it, the core somehow hadn't gone rotten, and was exactly the same as the day he'd eaten it.
Peter couldn't bring himself to throw it away, and if he was honest, neither could Edmund.
"Meeting go okay?" Edmund asked, breaking the slightly awkward silence.
"Yeah." Peter breathed, going back to looking at the apple core. "Fine."
Edmund nodded slowly. "How you feeling?" He asked.
Peter frowned. "Fine. Why?" He asked.
"You just seemed-" Edmund paused. "Out of sorts this morning."
Peter shrugged. "Just - Just tired." He mumbled.
Edmund stared at him, a small frown on his face. "You look a bit pale Pete." He sighed. "If you're not feeling well you need to tell someone."
"Why?" Peter muttered, not looking at his brother.
Edmund raised an eyebrow at him. "Because you've just recovered from a dangerous infection that's why." He said firmly.
Peter swallowed hard. "I feel fine." He said slowly. "Trust me."
Edmund sighed, knowing that he'd never get Peter to admit that he felt even the slightest but ill, so he gave up. "Lunch?" He suggested.
Peter nodded. "Sounds good." He mumbled, before the two left the balcony.
Peter walked across the room and placed the apple core in a box on his desk, sighing a little as he did.
"How long are you planning on keeping that?" Edmund asked.
Peter looked up at him, adjusting the gold crown on his head. "For as long as I can." He answered simply.
Edmund nodded slowly. "I wonder why it's not gone rotten." He said as they headed down to the dining room.
Peter shrugged. "Maybe because it's a magic apple?" He said slowly.
Edmund nodded. "Maybe." He said, taking a deep breath, only to stop breathing completely two seconds later.
His eyes went wide in alarm and so did Peter's, but he quickly pulled himself together.
Stopping and standing in front of his brother he gripped both his shoulders, staring into his eyes. "Breathe Ed." He said quickly. "Come on, you can do it, breathe."
Edmund's eyes went even wider before he eventually managed to draw in a breath, causing Peter to sigh in relief.
Edmund took a few deep breaths before swallowing hard. "Thanks." He whispered.
Peter nodded slowly. "You alright?" He asked.
Edmund nodded back. "I'm fine." He mumbled.
"How long do you reckon this'll last?" Peter asked. "You know, you randomly not being able to breathe?"
Edmund shrugged. "Hopefully not to long." He sighed. "Its worse when you dont know it's coming." He added under his breath, but he was pretty sure Peter heard it.
"Come on." Peter sighed. "Let's just go have some lunch."
And with that the two headed down the corridor, Peter's hand placed firmly on Edmund's shoulder.


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