Susan's idea

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"Susan what are you doing?!"
Susan's head snapped up to find Lucy stood in the doorway, staring at the bag she had in her hand which she was currently pushing a dress into.
Susan sighed. "Shut the door and come here Lu." She said gently, sitting on the edge of her bed.
Lucy, frown on her face, did as she was told, sitting beside Susan and staring up at her.
"Lucy look." Susan sighed, swallowing hard. "I need you to look after Peter."
Lucy frowned even more. "What?" She asked.
Susan sighed. "I need to go with Edmund Lu." She explained.
Lucy's frown faltered slightly, but she still looked a little confused. "Why?" She asked simply.
"Lu think about it." Susan mumbled. "He's twelve years old. He's not exactly friends with the witches side, anyone that saw him wouldn't hesitate in the least to kill him."
Lucy swallowed hard and looked down at the ground.
"And what if he suddenly couldn't breathe?" Susan added. "With no one there to help him he would-" She trailed off.
Lucy took a deep breath. "I understand." She whispered. "Just promise me you'll both be careful?"
Susan nodded at her. "We'll be fine." She said.
"You know though." Lucy said slowly. "I doubt Edmund or Peter will let you go."
Susan hesitated. "They both won't know until it's too late." She whispered.
Lucy stared at her but in the end nodded, before wrapping her arms around Susan's neck. "I'll miss you." She whispered.
Susan hugged her tightly back, placing a kiss to the side of her head. "I'll miss you too Lucy."


"Peter?" Edmund said quietly as he peered into his and his brothers room, unsure if his brother was asleep or not.
"I'm awake Ed." Came the tired reply, causing Edmund to sigh.
He entered the room and, closing the door behind him, walked over to his brother who was still laying in bed. "How you feeling?" Edmund asked, sitting beside him.
Peter stared at him. "Awful." He muttered.
Edmund swallowed hard. "I will bring that knife back Peter." He choked. "And we will find out what's going on."
Peter nodded slowly. "I know you will." He mumbled, before holding out his arm.
Edmund didn't hesitate as he lay down and curled into Peter's side, resting his head against his brothers chest as Peter's arm wrapped around his waist.
"One thing though Ed." Peter said after a short while of silence.
"Hmm?" Edmund replied, glancing up at him.
"You're taking Lucy's cordial." Peter said abruptly.
Edmund frowned. "Why?" He asked.
Peter's eyes went slightly wider. "Because you might get hurt!" He exclaimed, coughing slightly.
"Alright then." Edmund said. "If I do get hurt, how an earth am I supposed to give myself the cordial?"
Peter stared at him. "Someone else is going with you." He said.
Edmund frowned. "Who?" He asked.
Peter shrugged, his grip around his brother tightening. "Not sure yet." He said. "Susan said she was going to sort something out."
Edmund nodded slowly before sighing. "Pete listen." He mumbled. "I don't need the cordial. I'll be fine."
"You don't know that though." Peter argued. "You could get - get attacked by wolves, or - or captured by a hag or-"
"Peter." Edmund cut him off. "That's not going to happen."
"It could happen Ed and you know it." Peter snapped.
Edmund sighed and rested his head back against Peter's chest, not saying anything.
"Alright then." Peter said, somewhat firmly. "I won't let go of you until you agree to take the cordial."
Edmund's mouth dropped open as his head snapped up to look at his brother. "You've got to be joking!" He exclaimed.
Peter stared at him. "Try me." He said, his grip tightening around Edmund.
Edmund frowned and tried to wiggle from Peter's grasp, but Peter's grip got tighter. "Ow, Peter stop." Edmund complained, wiggling around to try and free himself from Peter's arms. "You're hurting me."
"Then stop wiggling." Peter said simply.
Edmund's eyes went slightly wider at this, but he continued to try and get free.
"Ed I won't let go." Peter said firmly. "Take the cordial."
"I don't need it!" Edmund exclaimed. "I've already wasted enough of it."
Here Peter seemed to freeze, his grip becoming so tight that Edmund could hardly breathe. "Peter." He choked.
Edmund pushed hard against Peter's chest, but Peter's grip was firm, even as he stared into space. "Peter!" Edmund said again, lowder Time.
Peter swallowed hard and looked down at his brother. "I don't ever want to hear that sentence come out of your mouth again." He said, almost angrily. "You used it once, and it was not a waste."
Edmund took a deep breath but nodded, deciding not to argue. "Peter please let go." He choked. "I can't breathe."
That did it, you would've thought Peter had been burned, what with the speed he pulled away from his brother.
"Thank you." Edmund muttered. "And fine, I'll take the cordial."
Peter relaxed visibly at this, nodding his head. "Thank you." He breathed.
Edmund nodded a little before placing the back of his hand to Peter's forehead, a frown making it's way onto his face. "Your temperatures rising." He muttered.
Peter groaned. "Tell me something I don't know." He muttered.
Edmund reached for the bowl of water and the cloth on the bedside table, wringing the cloth and pressing it to Peter's forehead. "When was the last time you ate?" Edmund asked.
Peter hesitated. "Yesterday." He mumbled. "At lunch."
Edmund sighed. "Pete you need to eat." He said.
"I try!" Peter exclaimed. "But everytime I do I throw up!"
"Every time?" Edmund said, frowning.
"Yes!" Peter replied. "Every bloody time."
Edmund stared at him as his gaze went to the ceiling. "Pete you need to eat." He said. "It'll kill you quicker if you dont eat at all compared to if you do eat but just throw it back up again."
Peted hesitated but in the end sighed. "I'll try." He mumbled.
Edmund smiled thankfully at him. "I should probably leave." He mumbled, lowering his hand.
Peter swallowed hard. "Promise you'll come back?" He whispered, tears in his eyes.
Edmund nodded, taking a deep breath. "I promise."


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