Family first

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Susan sighed as she slowly removed the cloth from Peter's forehead, swapping it with the back of her hand. "Your temperatures not going down." She muttered. "If anything it's getting worse."
Peter took a deep breath, somehow feeling a whole lot worse than he had done half an hour ago. "I'll be fine." He choked, forcing his eyes to stay open.
Susan gave Lucy a worried glance before wetting the cloth again and returning it to Peter's forehead, the cold water making Peter flinch.
"The sooner Edmund gets here with the healer the better." Susan muttered. "I-"
She stopped dead though when the door burst open and, to her surprise, Mr.Tumnus burst into the room.
"Mr.Tumnus?" Lucy asked, frowning. "What's wrong?"
"Your majesties." The faun said, giving a quick bow. "It's king Edmund."
Peter's head snapped up at this, concerned about the worry in Tumnus' voice. "What about him?" He choked.
Mr.Tumnus hesitated before sighing. "He can't breathe." He muttered.
Peter's eyes went wide and before Susan or Lucy could stop him he leapt from bed and ran from the room.
"Take me to him." He said quickly, fighting off the dizziness.
Mr.Tumnus headed quickly down the corridor, Peter following.
He didn't stop when he heard Susan and Lucy calling his name, he had to get to Edmund.
Very soon they reached him, sat on a window seat in the corridor, Mrs.Beaver beside him trying to get him to breathe.
Peter quickly ran over (feeling extremely sick at this point) and knelt in front of his brother, placing a hand on the side of his face. "Ed?" He said quickly.
Edmund stared at him, nothing but pleading in his eyes as he gripped the cushions as hard as he could.
"Hey, come on, breathe." Peter whispered. "You can do it, in and out, come on."
Edmund's eyes went even wider as his hand flew forward, gripping Peter's shoulder.
"Breathe Eddy." Peter choked, only now realising that Susan and Lucy were there. "Come on." He muttered.
It took a while but eventually Edmund managed to take a deep breath, Peter sighing in relief when he did.
"There you go." He whispered.
Edmund continued gasping for air until he relaxed, leaning back against the window as his hand slowly slipped from Peter's shoulder.
Peter took a deep breath himself, his eyes dropping. He quickly shook his head, forcing them to stay open - even for just a minute longer.
"Pete-" Edmund said, voice raspy. "You - You shouldn't be up."
"He's right." Susan sighed.
Peter squeezed his eyes shut, his head, by this point, pounding. He felt like he was gonna throw up, felt like he was gonna pass out, he felt absolutely awful.
"Peter?" Lucy asked worrdily.
Edmund frowned, and having now recovered leant forward and tried to get Peter's attention. "Peter look at me." He said quickly.
But Peter continued looking at the floor, that is until his eyes slipped shut and he fell backwards.
Susan dove forward to catch him before he hit the ground, lowering him slowly to lay on his back.
Edmund's eyes went wide as he jumped from the seat, kneeling beside his older brother. "Idiot." He muttered under his breath, but just maybe there was a small smile on his face. "We need to get him back to bed." He said, looking up at Susan.
Susan nodded and, between the two of them, they managed to get Peter back to his room and into bed.
"Why an earth did he come?" Edmund muttered, looking at Susan. "You or Lucy could've quite easily done it."
Susan hesitated. "I dont think we could've." She whispered, sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling Lucy up to sit in her lap.
Edmund frowned. "Why not?" He asked.
"Ed, so far Peter's been the only one that can get you to breathe again when that happens." Susan explained. "Ever since he got back."
Edmund swallowed hard, knowing that she was right, he wasn't even sure why though. "I guess." He mumbled. "But now look at him!"
Susan glanced at Peter, who was still unconscious, skin white, forehead and now hair damp from sweat, and an uncomfortable look on his face. "This has taken a turn for the worse." She muttered.
"You think?!" Edmund exclaimed. "Ten minutes ago he was okay, well, he certainly wasn't like this anyway!"
"Ed calm down." Lucy sighed, tears in her eyes.
"I- I think it's to do with the infection." Edmund whispered.
Susan frowned. "You can't be sure Ed." She said gently.
"I am sure." Edmund muttered, before burying his face in his hands. "Oh this is all my fault." He choked, shaking his head back and forth.
"No it's not Ed." Susan sighed.
"But it is!" Edmund exclaimed. "None of this would've happened to him if I hadn't of been a selfish beast and sold you all out for sweets!"
"Ed come on." Susan sighed. "You have to stop blaming yourself, those sweets were enchanted."
Edmund shook his head. "Its my fault and my fault only." He choked.
"It's not Ed."
Edmund's head snapped up at the voice of his brother, raspy and quiet. "Pete." He mumbled.
Peter swallowed hard, his breathing slightly heavier than normal. "It's not your fault." He whispered. "I've never once blamed you. I chose to go get the apple, my choice, not yours."
Edmund shook his head. "I'm so sorry." He whispered, tears in his eyes.
"You have nothing to be sorry for." Peter sighed, shaking his head too.
Edmund swallowed hard before laying beside his older brother, wrapping an arm around his waist and burying his face against his chest. "I'm sorry." He choked, over and over again until he was crying... sobbing into his brothers chest. "I'm - so sorry."
Peter sighed and, after a quick glance at Susan and Lucy, weakly wrapped his arm around Edmund's shoulders and pulled him close, placing a kiss to the top of his head. "As I said Eddy." He whispered in his brothers ear. "You have nothing to be sorry for."


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