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After five minutes Lucy had no more tears left in her and she slowly pulled away from Peter, exhausted from the crying she'd done.
Peter was still sobbing, doubled over, his hands covering his face.
"Peter?" Lucy whimpered.
Peter let out a heart wrenching sob. "He's gone." He choked. "He's - he's gone!"
Two more tears rolled slowly down Lucy's cheeks at this. "Peter?" She choked again.
Peter swallowed hard, looking up at her even as he continued to cry.
Lucy stared at him. "I - I want him back." She whispered. "I want to see him, I want to see Edmund."
Peter's heart broke even more at this, and he immediately pulled Lucy into his arms, both of them crying into each others shoulders, unaware of Orious quietly leaving.
"This is all my fault." Peter choked after ten more minutes.
Lucy glanced up at him. "No it isn't Peter." She murmered, voice hoarse from crying.
Peter shook his head. "He sacrificed himself to save me!" He exclaimed, another sob escaping him. "Again!" He added, his voice cracking.
"Pete please don't blame yourself." Lucy said, taking a deep breath and wiping the tears from her cheeks, though they were soon replaced with new ones. "Edmund said himself that he doesn't want you to do that."
Peter let out a choked noise when Lucy said his brothers name, shaking his head back and forth. "I - I can't do this." He choked. "I - I can't live without him."
Lucy buried her face back against Peter's shoulder, tears rolling frequently down her cheeks. "He loves you you know." She whispered. "He loves you so, so much."


It had been half an hour since the gryffin had told Susan that Edmund was gone, and Susan had only just managed to compose herself.
"Your majesty." Philip spoke up, sounding so upset it broke Susan's heart. "How about I take you back to the castle and then we can send someone to - to retrieve the body?"
Susan let out a choked sob but nodded her head. "Thank you." She agreed, pulling herself to her feet and climbing onto Philip's back.
"I really am sorry." Philip said as they headed back, the gryffin flying above them. "He - He really was a great person."
Susan forced back any more sobs and nodded her head. "I know he was." She whispered.
By the time Cair came into sight the sun had risen and the day had arrived, causing Susan to have to squint to be able to see.
Reaching the main entrance Susan thanked Philip before heading up to Peter and - Peter's room.
Once there she found Lucy stood outside, knocking on the door. "Peter please let me in." She begged.
Susan frowned. "Lu?" She asked.
Lucy looked over to her and Susan's heart broke, her eyes were red and puffy from crying, and she looked so upset it caused tears to appear in Susan's eyes.
Lucy's face fell when she saw Susan and she rushed over, flinging her arms around her older sisters neck.
Susan hugged her tightly, whispering reassuringly in her ear until the tears slowly subsided. "Where - Where's Peter?" Susan choked out once they'd pulled away from the hug.
"He's in his room." Lucy all but whispered. "He's been in there since around 2am."
Susan nodded slowly. "How is he?" She mumbled.
Lucy took a deep breath. "If you mean health wise, he's absolutely fine." She said. "But - But the news has - has totally destroyed him."
Susan swallowed hard. "I'll see if I can talk to him." She mumbled, walking across the corridor and knocking on the door, knowing that Peter had locked it.
"Peter?" She asked. "It's Susan, can you let me in?"
There was no answer, but Susan heard an unmistakable sob.
She sighed a little. "Peter please." She tried. "We've already - already lost Ed, we can't loose you too."
There was silence for a long while before there was a quiet click and the door opened.
Susan stared at Peter for a moment, her heart aching at the tears on his cheeks, his eyes wide and red, his hands shaking even though he was gripping the door as hard as he could.
"Oh Peter." Susan choked, stepping into the room and wrapping her arms around him.
Peter immediately began sobbing again, hardy even noticing when Susan led him across the room and sat him on the edge of the bed.
Susan sat beside him and pulled him into her arms, Lucy climbing up and curling into Peter's lap.
No words were said between the three for a very long while, that is until Peter opened his mouth. "I - I can't believe he's actually gone." He choked.
Susan shook her head slowly. "Neither can I." She murmered.
"Did - Did you see him?" Peter whispered.
Susan sighed. "No." She breathed. "The gryffin found us half way there and told me." She paused. "I'm gonna talk to someone about going to get - him."
Peter choked on his tears but nodded his head. "Okay." He said, letting out a shaky breath. "I - I should've seen this coming." He choked after a while. "I should've known that image meant something."
Susan sighed. "Peter you wouldn't of been able to do anything." She said. "You couldn't even stand... and Edmund would've done it regardless of what you said."
Peter sat there, still shaking way too hard. "I - I don't feel too good." He choked.
Susan frowned. "That's probably because of the amount of crying you've been doing." She sighed.
"Or maybe it has to do with the fact that I'm never gonna see my baby brother ever again!" Peter all of a sudden snapped, causing Lucy to fall off his lap onto the bed.
"Peter please dont shout." Susan mumbled, forcing back her own tears.
"I don't care if I'm shouting!" Peter said, jumping from the bed and turning to face his sisters. "I want him back! I want Edmund back! This isn't fair! He shouldn't be dead! It's not fair! He's twelve bloody years old! And he's dead! He's gone!" Peted stopped shouting, taking deep breaths.
Susan could only watch as Peter doubled over and threw up, tears rolling slowly down his cheeks as he cried.

If you didn't cry you have no heart 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧

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