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The two brothers fell silent, staring at each other for a moment before the door burst open and Susan ran in. "I heard shouting." She said quickly. "What happened?"
"Peter's being an idiot." Edmund muttered.
Peter sat up, looking horrified. "You're the one that's being an idiot!" He exclaimed. "Your the one who wants to go risk his life - again!"
"Peter stop." Susan said quickly, walking over and sitting on the bed. "Someone tell me what's going on."
Edmund sighed. "I had a dream." He said. "Aslan told me that there was something different about the knife the hag used on Peter, and that I have to go to the west and get the knife so he can figure it out."
Susan nodded slowly. "And Peter won't let you go?" She guessed.
"No." Edmund muttered.
"And I wonder why!" Peter said.
"Seriously you two stop it!" Susan sighed, frowning. "This isn't like you."
Edmund sighed and looked down at the blanket, swallowing hard.
"I won't let you go." Peter choked.
"Peter why not?!" Edmund asked.
"Because I cant lose you that's why!" Peter cried. "I won't lose you Ed, after everything that's happened to you." He paused for a moment. "I won't let you go."
Edmund glared at him. "I'm going." He spat. "And you can't stop me."
Peter glared back. "As high king I order you not to go." He said firmly.
"Peter!" Susan said quickly.
Peter stared at Edmund, paying no attention to Susan. "I order you." He repeated.
Edmund stared back, an angry frown on his face. The frown however faltered under Peter's glare and he dropped his head. "As you wish." He muttered, standing and walking from the room, adding a mocking "Your majesty." Before he left.
"Peter." Susan sighed when Peter lay back down.
"What?" Peter replied, already knowing what was coming.
"He wants to help you." Susan mumbled.
Peter swallowed hard. "Well I'm sorry if I don't want him getting attacked by wolves." He muttered.
"You dont know that will happen." Susan said.
"Why cant someone else go?" Peter asked, raising his head. "Like Orious?"
"Peter." Susan said slowly. "Who would you trust more to do this, Orious - or your own brother?"
Peter stared at her. "Edmund of course." He whispered, before shaking his head. "But I can't let him go. I can't let anything happen to him."
"Pete, you can't always protect him." Susan sighed.
Peter glared at her. "Try me." He muttered.
Susan sighed. "I'm going to go and get you something to eat." She said. "I have a feeling Edmund wants to be alone for a while."
Peter nodded slowly, already feeling guilty for shouting at Edmund. "Okay." He mumbled, before rolling onto his side with his back to Susan.


Edmund swallowed hard as he headed back up to his room after only twenty minutes, intending on getting dressed seeming as he hadn't already - he just hoped that maybe Peter was asleep.
Reaching the door he took a deep breath before entering, his eyes going wide when he saw Susan, sat beside Peter as he threw up into a bucket, tears rolling steadily down his cheeks.
Forgetting his anger and frustration completely, Edmund rushed over and climbed onto the bed, sitting behind Peter and placing a hand on his back. "What happened?" He asked Susan quickly.
"He had something to eat." Susan sighed sadly.
Edmund swallowed hard as Peter slowly sat up, wiping his mouth with a handkerchief Susan gave him. "Thanks." Was all Peter managed to choke as he lay back down on the bed, his breathing heavy.
"Pete you okay?" Edmund asked, rather hesitantly though.
Peter glanced over at him and sighed. "I'm fine." He mumbled. "Ed look, I'm sorry."
Edmund stared at him. "It's okay Peter." He said, dropping his head.
"I didn't mean to shout at you like that." Peter whispered. "I'm just, worried is all. If - If you went, and never came back - I'd never forgive myself."
"Peter none of this is your fault." Edmund sighed. "If anything it's all my fault, and believe me when I say I wont give up until you're better again."
Another tear rolled down Peter's cheek at this, and Edmund hesitantly lay down beside him, resting his head against his chest.
He smiled to himself when he felt Peter's arm wrap around his shoulders and pull him close.
"Please let me go Peter." He whispered. "Please?"
Peter swallowed hard, staring up at the ceiling. "What if you get hurt?" He whispered.
Edmund sighed. "I'll be careful." He said slowly. "I promise."
Peter glanced down at him. "If you don't come back then I'll kill you." He said with a smirk.
Edmund chuckled. "Deal." He said, glancing at Susan who nodded her head slightly at him, a smile on her face.
"When will you leave?" Peter whispered, closing his eyes.
"Tomorrow?" Edmund suggested, shrugging a little.
Peter nodded slowly. "Alright." He mumbled. "But you've promised to be careful." He added quickly. "So don't you dare break that promise."
Edmund shook his head. "You know I wouldn't do that." He whispered, now playing with a loose thread on the blanket, his head still rested against Peter's chest.
Peter nodded slowly. "How long do you reckon you'll be?" He asked.
Edmund hesitated. "Well, I cant exactly take Philip again can I?" He sighed.
"There's absolutely no way you're going alone." Peter said quickly.
Edmund nodded. "I won't go alone." He reassured his brother. "I'm sure I'll find someone."
Peter swallowed hard and tightened his grip around his brothers shoulders. "I can't believe I'm actually letting you do this." He murmered, something of a smile on his face.
Both Edmund and Susan laughed lightly at this, shaking their heads in amusement.
"I promise I'll be no longer than three weeks okay?" Edmund said. "Maybe even two."
"Well if I can do it in two weeks then you can." Peter joked.
Edmund smiled up at him. "Of course I can." He whispered, before tightening his grip around Peter's waist and burying his face against his shoulder.


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