He hasn't got much time

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"Someone please help!" Lucy screamed, her head whipping around when there was a choked noise from Peter.
Realising that he was choking Lucy used ever last bit of her strength to roll him onto his side, holding him there as she continued calling for help, panicking at the blood that was rolling down Peter's chin.
Five seconds later the door burst open and both Susan and Edmund ran in.
"What's going on?!" Susan shouted, just as Edmund said: "What's wrong?"
Both their eyes went wide though when they saw Peter, and Susan immediately ran over to the bed, jumping up and sitting beside her older brother.
"What happened?" She asked quickly, a cough coming from Peter which caused blood to splatter her dress.
Lucy took a deep breath. "He - He kept coughing." She choked. "And then - then he collapsed, but he - he's still coughing up blood."
Susan nodded slowly before glancing up at Edmund, who was still stood in the middle of the room, eyes wide and full of fear.
He was so scared that he'd frozen completely, trembling hard.
"Ed?" Susan said quickly, sighing when she didn't get a response. "Edmund!" She shouted.
Edmund shook his head quickly and looked up at her.
"I need you to go and find the healers." Susan said frantically. "And you need to hurry."
Edmund took a deep breath before nodding and dashing out of the room.
He soon found the healers and explained to them what was going on.
As soon as they knew they rushed down the corridors towards Peter and Edmund's room, but Edmund didnt follow.
He stood there for a moment, his heart pounding. It was clear that Peter had just taken a huge turn for the worst, and right now, Edmund didn't know how much longer he had, and it was this thought that helped him make a decision.
Dashing through the castle he burst into the library and found a piece of paper and a pencil, as well as one of his cloaks that he'd left there the other day.
Flinging the cloak around his shoulders he quickly scribbled a note to his siblings, signing it quickly with his name before leaving it at the nearest desk, the one that he usually sat at.
He stared at the letter for a moment, his heart pounding so hard he thought it would burst. Tears threatened to fall but he held them back, forcing himself to take deep breaths to keep calm.
After making sure he'd included everything in the note, he left the library, heading through the corridors towards the main entrance.
The walk to the stone table would take him till atleast midnight, maybe even longer. But he couldn't risk taking Philip, he wouldn't allow him to do this for one.
As he walked he made one last stop, grabbing a dagger from the place he'd hidden it on his way back from the beach the night before.
He stared at it for a moment, his hands shaking uncontrollably. He found himself unable to move, hardly able to breathe.
Everything's gonna be okay
Edmund immediately relaxed as the words echoed in his head, slowly allowing himself to leave the castle.
He managed to slip past the guards unnoticed, and it confused him that there were so many of them, but he was glad when he made it outside.
As he entered the woods, he turned around and glanced up, staring at the window to his and Peter's room.
He could see Susan and a faun stood talking, and he only hoped they'd been able to help Peter.
With a sigh Edmund hung his head and began walking away from the castle, tears now rolling slowly down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry Peter." He choked. "But I have to do this."


"He'll be alright?" Susan asked the healer, her and the faun stood in front of the window.
The faun nodded and glanced over at Peter, who was getting cleaned up by Lucy and two others. "He should be for now." She answered.
Susan swallowed hard. "For now?" She whispered.
The faun hesitated. "I'm afraid he doesn't have much time left." She sighed.
Susan took a deep breath. "E-Edmund will sort this." She said slowly. "He said he would."
The faun nodded slowly, but looked rather apprehensive.
"Where is Edmund anyway?" Susan asked suddenly.
"I saw him heading to the library." Orious said as he entered the room. "He obviously went to do more research."
Susan nodded slowly. "Best leave him be then." She sighed. "I know he'd prefer to do it by himself."
She slowly walked over to the bed just as Lucy was pulling the covers back over Peter, tucking them so tightly around him Susan wouldn't be at all surprised if he couldn't even breathe.
"What did the healer say?" Lucy asked worridly.
Susan stared at her for a while. "She said that he - he doesn't have much time left."
Lucy swallowed hard. "Has - has he told you yet?" She asked suddenly.
Susan frowned. "Told me what?" She asked.
"About what he keeps seeing." Lucy replied.
Susan slowly shook his head. "No." She said.
Lucy sighed. "He told me that everytime he closes his eyes he sees this image." She said slowly.
"Of what?" Susan asked, sounding rather wary.
Lucy swallowed thickly. "Of Edmund, on - on the stone table, dead." She choked.
Susan took a deep breath.
"And the worst part is, he was holding the dagger.' Lucy mumbled, causing Susan's eyes to go wide. "We thought it might mean something." Lucy mumbled.
Susan thought for a moment. "You dont think Edmund would actually do something like that?!" She said, shocked. "Do you?"
Lucy bit her lip. "I don't know." She whispered. "Peter was gonna talk to him tonight."
Susan sighed, glancing at her unconscious older brother. "We should do it instead." She muttered. "After dinner."
Lucy nodded. "Where is he now." She said quickly, remembering that she couldn't allow him to leave the castle.
"Orious said he saw him going into the library." Susan said.
Lucy nodded. "We'll talk to him after dinner." She said. "And find out what's really going on."


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