Everything's gonna be okay

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"Pete?" Edmund asked gently as he pressed a damp cloth to his older brothers forehead.
Susan and Lucy had gone off to find some dinner for the four of them, leaving the two brothers alone for a while.
"Hmm?" Peter replied, taking a deep breath.
"Why did you say "You're alive" earlier?" Edmund said. "Did you actually think I wouldn't make it?"
Peter stared at him for a moment. "It's not that." He whispered, shaking his head a little.
"What do you mean?" Edmund said, sounding confused.
Peter hesitated, after a while deciding not to tell Edmund about the vision he kept seeing... there was no point in worrying him. "I just had a dream last night is all." He said quietly.
Edmund sighed. "Nightmare?" He said.
Peter nodded. "Yeah." He breathed.
"How - How have you been whilst we've been gone?" Edmund choked, wetting the cloth again.
Peter sighed. "Not good." He muttered simply. "Not good at all."
Edmund swallowed hard. "Do you reckon Aslan will come to me in a dream again?" He asked. "You know, to explain what's going on."
Peter nodded slowly. "I guess he will." He mumbled.
"Well good job I'm absolutely exhausted and feel like I could fall asleep at any minute." Edmund said, a light smile on his face.
Peter stared at him for a moment. "You haven't slept much for the last few weeks?" He guessed.
Edmund swallowed hard. "Not really on the way back." He mumbled. "For some reason I - I couldn't."
Peter sighed. "You never should've gone." He whispered.
Edmund bit his lip. "Peter I'm fine." He mumbled.
Peter shook his head. "You got hurt." He choked.
"It was just a wolf Peter." Edmund replied.
"A wolf that could've killed you!" Peter choked, taking a deep breath.
"Susan shot both of them." Edmund told him.
"Did she get hurt?" Peter asked, sounding worried.
Edmund shook his head slowly. "They both sorta, went for me." He whispered. "They knew who I was I guess."
Peter's eyes filled with tears. "I'm sorry Ed." He mumbled.
"It wasn't your fault Pete." Edmund said quickly. "I chose to go."
Peter stared at him before he began coughing, sitting up and covering his mouth with his hands.
Edmund sighed and, placing the cloth on the beside table, he shuffled over and sat beside Peter, placing a hand on his shoulder gently.
After a few minutes Peter slowly relaxed, attempting to quickly bury his hands under the blankets so that Edmund wouldn't see the blood that had covered them.
"Pete don't hide it." Edmund mumbled. "I saw the blood."
Peter sighed but said nothing, instead just laying down and pulling Edmund down with him.
Edmund swallowed thickly and rested his head against Peter's chest, wrapping an arm gently around his waist. "I'll get some sleep." He whispered. "And hopefully find out what's going on."
Peter nodded. "I'll be here when you wake up." He choked.
Edmund nodded, before allowing his eyes to slowly slip shut.


Edmund took a deep breath as he glanced around, his eyes eventually falling on Aslan, who was walking quickly over to him.
"Did you find the knife?" He asked when they reached each other.
Edmund nodded, and realised that he was holding the knife at that moment, and held it up towards Aslan.
Aslan stared at it for a while, frowning at points.
"So?" Edmund choked after a while, hardly even daring to speak.
Aslan sighed. "The knife has been made with dark magic Edmund." He said slowly.
"What does that mean?" Edmund asked, his heart starting to pound.
"This type of dark magic is made to kill the victim." Aslan said gently.
Edmund took a deep breath. "So Peter will die?" He forced out.
Aslan stared sadly at him. "There is a way to reverse that magic." He said. 
"What?" Edmund asked quickly.
"I'm not sure if you should know." Aslan sighed. "It would cost you alot."
"Me?" Edmund asked, sounding confused.
Aslan nodded. "I doubt you'd allow your sisters to do it." He said.
"Let them do what?" Edmund said quickly.
"Edmund, what would you do to save your brother?" Aslan asked gently.
"Anything." Edmund replied, without any hesitation. "I would do anything to save him."
Aslan sighed. "When you wake, go straight to the library." He explained. "Go to the first bookshelf, second shelf, third book along. Go to the tenth page and read it, that will give you the answer to what you must do."
Edmund nodded. "I will." He said. "Thank you. Thank you so much."
Aslan smiled sadly. "You're welcome Edmund." He said. "But before you go, do not forget what I'm about to tell you."
"Okay." Edmund said, sounding a little confused.
Aslan stared at him for a moment. "Everything's gonna be okay."


Edmund's eyes snapped open, immediately feeling Peter's arm around his shoulder. "Ed?" Edmund looked up at him. "So?" Peter asked.
Edmund took a deep breath. "I have to go to the library." He said quickly, climbing from the bed. "I'll come straight back." He told his brother. "I promise."
He ran from the room all the way to the library, grabbing the book Aslan had told him to.
He pulled it from the shelf and walked over to the nearest window seat, sitting down and opening the book.
His heart pounded as he flicked to page ten, Aslans words ringing in his ear.
Everything's gonna be okay
He finally got to the page, and hesitantly read what was written.
His eyes went wide and he dropped the book to the floor when he found out how to save Peter.
He began trembling, eyes stinging with tears and breathing becoming slightly uneven.
There was only way to save his brother, one way to reverse the dark magic...
A human sacrifice on the stone table.

Does that explain the visions???😂😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😬😬😬😬😬😬😬

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