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"Eat something Peter." Susan said, staring at her older brother as he pushed his lunch around his plate.
Peter glanced up at her. "I'm not really hungry." He shrugged.
"Are you feeling okay?" Edmund asked, frowning a little at him.
Peter stared at him. "I feel fine." He said as firmly as he could.
"Then eat." Edmund said, nodding at Peter's plate. "If you're feeling fine then there's no reason for you not to eat."
Edmund watched as Peter sighed and began eating, his heart beating slightly faster than usual.
After maybe ten minutes Peter's eyes went wide. "Excuse me one minute." He said, his voice choked, before he ran out of the room.
Edmund leapt off his seat and ran after him, not even bothering to glance at Susan and Lucy.
He followed Peter to the nearest bathroom, bursting in behind him before he had a chance to lock the door.
Peter obviously saw him, but couldn't stop what was about to happen.
Edmund dropped to his knees beside his brother as Peter threw up, placing one hand on his back and the other on his shoulder.
Once Peter was done Edmund handed him a handkerchief, which he gladly excepted, before looking down at the ground, face red.
"Pete." Edmund sighed. "Admit it?"
Peter clearly hesitated but in the end nodded, sighing in an almost annoyed way.
"So, how you feeling?" Edmund asked gently.
Peter swallowed hard. "Sick, dizzy, tired, I've always got a headache and I'm exhausted." He mumbled.
"Why didn't you just admit it in the first place?" Edmund sighed sadly.
Peter shrugged but said nothing.
"No arguing Peter." Edmund said. "You're going to bed."
Peters head snapped up at this. "But I can't!" He exclaimed. "I've got stuff to do, paperwork to get through!"
"It can all wait Peter." Edmund replied firmly, pulling Peter gently to his feet. "You need to rest."
Peter jerked away when Edmund placed a hand to his forehead, glaring at him.
"Pete you're burning up." Edmund said. "You need to get some rest."
Peter sighed. "Fine." He muttered.
Edmund smiled sadly before leading Peter all the way up to their room, closing the door quietly behind him before grabbing Peter's pyjamas and throwing them at him. "Get changed." He said. "And then into bed."
Peter grumbled something under his breath that Edmund couldn't quite hear before disappearing into the bathroom.
The second he came back Edmund quiet literally forced him into bed.
"Ed I'm quite capable of getting into bed by myself." He sighed as Edmund threw the blanket over him.
"I know." Edmund said with a shrug, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Peter?" He asked after a moment.
"Hmm?" Peter replied, looking up at him.
"What happened in the bathroom yesterday?" Edmund asked. "Why didn't you answer me?"
Peter swallowed hard before sighing. "I passed out." He said quickly.
Edmund's mouth dropped open. "Then why an earth didn't you say anything!?" He exclaimed.
Peter swallowed hard again, feeling his forehead getting sweaty. "I just didn't want anyone to worry." He mumbled, taking a deep breath.
"You should've told someone Pete!" Edmund said, his voice raised slightly. "You passed out! This is serious!"
"Ed dont work yourself up." Peter said quickly. "You'll hurt your throat."
Edmund stared in shock at his brother. "I don't care! Peter you're really not well!" He exclaimed, tears in his eyes. "Somthings not right, I - I dont think it's just coincidence that you fall ill a couple days after recovering from an infection!"
"Ed as you said, I recovered from that." Peter sighed.
Edmund shook his head. "Now I'm not too sure you did." He whispered, one tear rolling slowly down his cheek. "I'm - I'm going to find a healer."
"No Peter." Edmund cut him off. "I'm worried, if - if anything were to happen to you-" He trailed off, biting his lip as he let out a quiet sob.
Peter swallowed hard, reaching up to place a hand on his brothers shoulder. "Alright Ed." He whispered. "You can find a healer. But I promise you this now, everything's fine, I'm fine, just a bit ill, I'll recover in no time okay?"
Edmund didn't answer.
"Okay?" Peter asked again, a little more firmly.
Edmund nodded, wiping away his tears. "Okay." He whispered.
They both looked up when the door opened and Susan and Lucy walked in, both their faces falling when they saw Peter. "You admitted it then?" Susan sighed, sitting on the other side of the bed, Lucy climbing up to sit on the end.
Peter sighed. "I'm ill." He muttered. "Happy now?"
Susan couldn't help the small smirk that made its way onto her face.
"I'll go and find a healer then." Edmund mumbled, standing from the bed and leaving the room.
Susan watched him go before glancing back at Peter, only to two seconds later stand and walk into the bathroom.
She came out a little while later with a bowl of water and a cloth, causing Peter to sigh slightly.
But he allowed her to wet the cloth and press it to his forehead, secretly relieved.
"Is Edmund alright?" She asked as she mopped up the sweat. "It looked like he'd been crying."
Peter sighed. "He said he was worried." He mumbled. "I think he's slightly annoyed that I didn't say anything earlier."
Susan gave him an unimpressed look. "And so am I." She muttered. "But I understand why he's worried. The way he found you in the woods that day, shook him more than he'll ever admit."
Peter swallowed hard, looking down at his lap. "It wasn't his fault." He whispered.
"He thinks it was though Peter." Susan mumbled. "In his eyes you went to save his life and almost died in the process-" She paused. "Just like you feel it was your fault that Edmund was stabbed."
Peter sighed, only looking up when Lucy eventually spoke. "You will be alright won't you?" She asked, hope and fear in her eyes.
Peter hesitated before nodding slightly. "I'll be fine Lu." He said. "I promise."


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