I'm alive

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"It'll take three hours right?" Susan asked as the three of them rode through the woods.
Lucy nodded. "Yeah." She mumbled.
"I just wanna know what's so important." Peter sighed.
Susan glanced over at him and sighed. It was quite obvious that he hadn't slept over the past two days, if the dark circles under his eyes were anything to go by. He'd also dropped weight, seeming as he had hardly eaten since they got the news, no matter how much Susan or Lucy begged him to eat, he just wouldn't.
"Well we'll find out soon enough." Lucy said, snapping Susan from her thoughts.
"I hope its worth it." Peter muttered, before they continued in silence.


Edmund sighed as he sat against a tree, slowly eating as he stared across the woods.
He had been on edge since the second he woke up, expecting any minute for his siblings to show up.
He couldn't wait for the moment when they actually did. Couldn't wait to hear Lucy's laugh, couldn't wait to hear Susan's comforting words and her hand gently on his shoulder, but mostly he couldn't wait for Peter to wrap him in his arms, pull him against his chest and hold him tightly.
The last four days had been hard for him, knowing that his siblings thought he was dead, but he couldn't go against what Aslan had said.
So he had gotten through each day, despite the nightmares and the occasional burning from his chest (he expected from the wound he'd had) and today had eventually arrived.
He swallowed hard as he sat there, wondering what his siblings would do when they saw that he was actually alive. He hoped that they wouldn't freak out, that would be bad.
Very bad, he thought with a small laugh, before heading back into the cave.


"We should be there any minute." Susan said, bringing her horse to a stop and climbing off.
"What are you doing?" Peter asked, frowning slightly down at her.
Susan frowned too. "I'm not sure." She mumbled. "I've just - for some reason I don't think we should be on horses for this."
Peter looked confused but still climbed down from his horse, as did Lucy.
"Wait here." Susan told the horses gently, before the three continued on foot.
"Do you think we'll know what's so important when we see it?" Lucy asked as they walked.
"I guess so." Susan said with a small shrug.
"It better be worth it." Peter sighed.
"You've said that already." Lucy said with a small smile.
But Peter didn't smile back. One other thing he hadn't done since he'd gotten the news, was smile, and it caused Lucy's heart to break.
"Isn't that the stream?" Susan said suddenly, pointing ahead.
Lucy nodded. "I think so." She breathed. "Yeah, there's the cave."
"Come on then." Peter breathed.
They walked until they stood by the side of the stream, all with frowns on their faces. "What's so important then." Peter asked.
Susan frowned. "I'm not sure." She mumbled. "Any ideas Lu?"
Lucy shook her head. "No."


Edmund swallowed hard as he paced back and forth in the cave, running his hand repeatedly through his hair.
He didn't know how much longer he could wait, he only knew that his siblings better get there soon before he completely lost it.
His head snapped up towards the cave entrance when he heard voices.
"What's so important then?"
Edmund nearly fainted, it was Peter.
But his heart broke at the emptiness in his voice, and knew instantly that his death had effected him more than anyone else.
"I'm not sure, Any ideas Lu?"
Edmund bit back a sob of relief at the sound of Susan's voice, and smiled widely when he heard Lucy: "No."


"Don't tell me we've come this far for nothing." Peter groaned.
"Aslan wouldn't just send us here for no reason." Lucy sighed. "There's obviously something here."
"Well, what about someone?"
Peter, Susan and Lucy all froze, their eyes going wide at the voice that had come from behind them.
Lucy was the first to turn around, and when she did her eyes went even wider and she gasped. "Edmund!" She screamed, before running and launching herself at her older brother.
Edmund chuckled and wrapped his arms tightly around her, lifting her right off the ground as he hugged her.
"You're alive." Lucy sobbed into his shoulder.
"Yeah." Edmund breathed, reaching up and running one hand through her hair. "I'm alive."
Eventually they pulled away, only for Edmund to be pulled immediately into another pair of arms.
"I missed you so much." Susan choked, hugging him so tightly that he could hardly breathe, but Edmund didn't mind one bit.
"I missed you too Susan." He choked, burying his face against her shoulder. "So much."
"How?" Susan asked when the two eventually pulled apart. "The gryffin said he saw you."
Edmund took a deep breath. "I'll explain later alright?" He said.
Susan nodded. "Alright." She breathed.
Edmund gave her a grateful smile before turning to face Peter, sighing when he saw that his older brother hadn't even turned around yet.
Taking a few steps towards him he took a deep breath. "Pete?" He choked.
He saw Peter take a deep breath, but he still didn't turn around.
"Peter?" Edmund tried again. "It's me, it's Edmund."
Peter shook his head. "But - But you're dead." He whispered.
Edmund sighed. "Pete turn around." He said.
When Peter still didn't turn, Edmund walked forward and placed a hand on his shoulder, gently but forcefully turning Peter around.
Peter stared at Edmund for a moment, taking a deep breath, and Edmund's heart broke at the state of him.
"Oh Pete." He whispered, noticing how thin he was and seeing the dark shadow under his eyes.
After a moment Edmund grabbed Peter's hand, not missing that Peter flinched, and placed his palm against his chest, over his heart.
Two tears rolled down Peter's cheeks. "You're really alive." He choked at feeling Edmund's steady heart beat.
Edmund nodded. "Yes Peter." He whispered. "I'm alive."
Two seconds later, Edmund was in his arm, held tightly against his chest as Peter kissed the top of his head over and over again.
Edmund smiled, wrapping his arms around Peter and relaxing into his embrace.


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