The wolf

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"Is it just me, or does anyone else have the feeling that we're being watched?" Edmund whispered as they headed through the woods, his sword drawn and and arrow on Susan's bow.
"I know what you mean." Susan said quietly, glancing around the area.
"Just keep an eye out." Philip muttered. "There could be anything anywhere."
Edmund nodded. "Alright." He nodded.
They continued in silence until Susan took a deep breath. "I really don't like this." She muttered. "Something's not-"
But she never got to finish her sentence. She could only watch in horror as a wolf burst out of a nearby bush, teeth bared and growling loudly.
It leapt off the ground and its paws connected with Edmund's chest, pushing him off Philip and causing him to fly to the floor, hitting it with a loud cry, his sword flying from his hand.
The wolf pinned him down, baring its teeth again. "So, the traitor thought it wise to wander this far from Narnia eh?" It mocked.
Susan's eyes went wide as she jumped down from her horse, pointing her arrow straight at the wolf.
"Shoot that arrow and I'll kill him." The wolf snapped, head turning to face her.
Susan took a deep breath, not firing the arrow but not lowering the bow either.
The wolf smirked at her and glanced back down at Edmund, who's eyes were wide and full of nothing but fear.
"You'll soon regret that decision." The wolf laughed. "All traitors must die."
"No!" Susan practically screamed.
"Lower the bow or he dies right now!" The wolf growled, once again looking up at her.
"I - I won't let you kill him." Susan whispered, but there was anger in her voice, and alot of it.
"Susan." Came Edmund's voice five seconds later. He sounded so - scared. "Shoot him."
Susan looked slightly worried at this. "Ed?" She questioned.
"Just do it." Edmund said slowly, giving her a slow nod and a look that easily told her that he had a plan.
The wolf chuckled. "Its your call." He said. "But if I die - he dies too."
Susan tightened her grip on the bow, getting ready to shoot, and the second she did the wolf let out a growl and lunged at Edmund.
Susan watched wide eyed as she shot the arrow, Edmund kicking the wolf in the stomach just before the arrow hit him. The wolf let out a yelp as his teeth banged against Edmund's forehead before the arrow embedded itself in his side.
Edmund swallowed hard as the wolf collapsed on top of him, and he found himself fighting to get it off, but no matter how hard he tried, the wolf wouldn't budge.
He heard Susan running over and soon enough the wolf was pushed away for him. But Edmund didn't move, he lay on the floor, panting, his head pounding and his forehead stinging. He didn't need to be told that the wolves teeth had split his skin.
"Ed?" Susan asked, sounding worried.
Edmund swallowed hard and glanced over at her. "I'm okay." He mumbled.
Susan sighed. "Your forehead." She muttered, reaching out to touch the wound, bringing her hand back red with blood.
Edmund shook his head. "It's okay." He choked, struggling into a sitting position, unable to keep back a groan.
"Ed take the cordial." Susan said slowly.
But, just as she expected, Edmund shook his head. "Its not too bad." He said. "I feel fine, it just hurts a little is all."
Susan sighed but gave in. "Alright." She mumbled. "But atleast let me clean the wound?"
Edmund stared at her for a moment before nodding. "Alright." He breathed.
Susan smiled gently and stood, walking over to a rather shaken looking Philip. "You alright?" She asked the horse as she reached into the bag on his saddle for some water and a cloth.
Philip did nothing for a while before nodding. "I'm okay." He said, before walking over to Edmund, Susan's horse following.
Susan walked over too and knelt in front of her brother, wetting the cloth and pressing it to his forehead.
Edmund hissed in pain and flinched away, Susan sighing sadly. "You okay?" She asked after a moment.
Edmund nodded hesitantly in reply. "Yeah." He breathed. "Just do it."
Susan sighed but continued to clean the wound, sitting back and giving Edmund a nod when she'd finished.
"Was it deep?" Edmund asked.
"Not as deep as I though it was." Susan said gently.
Edmund nodded. "That's good." He mumbled, looking down.
"Ed you okay?" Susan asked, sounding slightly worried.
Edmund took a deep breath. "I'm fine." He choked.
Susan looked slightly confused for a moment before a look of realisation made its way into her face. "Ed you're not a traitor." She mumbled.
Edmund swallowed hard. "I am Susan." He whispered. "And you know it."
Susan took a deep breath. "I know that maybe you were a traitor." She said hesitantly. "But I know you aren't anymore, you more than made up for what you did, just forget what the wolf said."
Edmund sighed but nodded, taking a deep breath and wiping at his eyes, sniffing a little. "We should probably carry on." He mumbled. "We've already wasted enough time."
Susan sighed but nodded anyway. "Alright." She mumbled, holding out her hand.
Edmund took it gratefully and Susan pulled him to his feet, having to quickly grab his arms when he swayed a little. "Ed?" She said quickly.
Edmund shook his head. "I'm alright." He said. "Just got a little dizzy is all."
"Let's just hope you don't have concussion or something." Susan muttered.
Edmund smirked at her as he climbed onto Philip again. "I doubt it." He said. "Really, sometimes you're worse than Peter."
Susan smirked back. "Only sometimes though." She teased as she climbed onto her own horse.
Edmund chuckled lightly, shaking his head as they continued. "Yeah." He said. "Only sometimes."


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