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- Two days later -

Lucy turned her head, coming face to face with Aslan, and she beamed.
"Aslan!" Shs cried, running over and flinging her arms around his neck.
Aslan chuckled at this, giving her a smile when she eventually pulled away. "How are you Lucy?" He asked.
Lucy swallowed hard. "Not alright." She said simply. "I just - just want Edmund back."
Aslan sighed. "Lucy." He said. "I have to tell you something."
"What?" Lucy asked.
"Tomorrow, or as soon as you wake up, I want you to journey to the small stream and cave about three hours into the woods." Aslan told her.
Lucy frowned. "Me?" She asked.
"And Peter and Susan." Aslan said.
Lucy took a deep breath. "Why?" She wondered.
"Just do it." Aslan said gently. "It's important."
Lucy nodded slowly. "But-" She paused and sighed. "I doubt Peter will come. He hasn't come out of his room for two days!"
Aslan sighed. "Tell him that I said he must go." He said. "He must, it's very, very important."
Lucy nodded slowly. "I'll try." She breathed.
"I must leave now." Aslan said.
"We'll meet again?" Lucy asked.
Aslan chuckled. "Of course." Hs breathed. "Dear one."

Lucy's eyes snapped open, her immediately being blinded by the sun that was shining through the curtains.
As soon as you wake up
Lucy wasted no time as she jumped from her bed and quickly got changed, running all the way to the dining room where, as she expected, she found Susan.
"Lucy are you alright?" Susan asked, slightly worried at the way Lucy was panting.
Lucy caught her breath quickly before sitting beside her. "Aslan spoke to me." She said. "In my dream."
Susan frowned. "What did he say?" She asked hesitantly.
"You know that stream and cave about three hours into the woods?" Lucy said.
"Yes." Susan replied, looking rather confused.
"We have to go there." Lucy said simply.
Susan's frown got even deeper. "Why?" She asked.
Lucy shrugged. "I don't know." She mumbled. "But Aslan we have to go there, that's it's very important."
Susan stared at her for a moment before nodding. "Although I dont know if we're gonna get Peter out of his room." She said sadly. "Let alone get him to come with us."
"Well we wont stop bugging him until he comes." Lucy said. "Now come on!"
She grabbed Susan's hand and the two of them ran all the way up to Peter's room, immediately banging on the door.
"Peter you awake?" Susan called.
There was a few seconds of silence before: "Yes."
Susan's heart broke at the emptiness in his voice, and it was clear he'd been crying again.
Lucy pushed open the door quickly, finding Peter sat on the window seat, as usual Edmund's crown clutched in his hands.
"Peter we have to go." Susan said as she walked in, closing the door behind her.
"What?" Peter asked, looking shocked.
"Aslan told me we have to go to that stream and cave in the woods." Lucy explained.
"Aslan?" Peter choked.
Lucy nodded. "He said it's very important and we need to go." She told him.
Peter took a deep breath before shaking his head. "I - I don't want to go." He mumbled.
Susan sighed. "Peter you have to." She said gently. "Aslan said."
"I don't care." Peter snapped.
Lucy glared at him. "I mean what I say when I say we won't leave you alone until you come."
Peter stared down at her. "What's so important anyway?" He asked.
"I don't know." Lucy said. "But you just have to come. I trust Aslan, and so does Susan. Why don't you?"
That's when Peter snapped.
"Because Edmund's gone!" He shouted. "He let him die! He could've done something about it! But he wasn't even here! He wasn't even here when he was poisoned!"
"Peter stop!" Susan said quickly. "You wouldn't be saying any of these things if you were thinking straight, which you clearly aren't."
"I won't go Susan." Peter said.
And that's when Susan snapped. "I've had enough of this!" She shouted. "You are not the only one hurting Peter! You are not the only one who's lost a brother! We have too! You can not just shut yourself away from the world! Its not going to do anything Peter! This is not going to bring Edmund back! Because he's dead! He's gone, Peter, and maybe you should just except that."
She had tears rolling slowly down her cheeks after this, which she quickly wiped away.
Peter stared at her, shaking his head. "I have excepted it." He choked. "But that doesn't mean I'm okay with it."
"What, and you think we are?!" Susan exclaimed.
"I didn't say that." Peter said simply.
Susan glared at him. "You're coming whether you like it or not." She said.
"Peter Pevensie I said you are coming whether you like it or not!" Susan cut him off.
"Please Peter." Lucy mumbled. "Aslan said we have to, it's important."
Peter stared at her for a minute before he slowly nodded. "Alright." He mumbled. "I'll come."
Lucy smiled at him, walking over and wrapping her arms around his neck. "I know you miss him." She whispered, her voice choked. It was obvious she was forcing back tears. "I do too. But he wouldn't want you to act like this. He wouldn't want you to shut yourself away.
Peter took a deep breath. "I know." Hs murmered. "It's just hard."
Lucy nodded. "I know it is." She whispered. "But we'll get through this, I know we will, together."
Peter took a deep breath, two tears rolling slowly down his cheeks. "Of course we will." He choked, sniffing. "Together."


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