When the time is right

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"That went better than I thought." Peter laughed a little.
"My thoughts exactly." Edmund replied, staring across at all the Narnians who were rejoicing at the news of him being alive.
Peter smiled and glanced ahead too, his hand tightening around Edmund's.
Everything was going absolutely fine, that is until Peter heard a noise that sounded dangerously like an arrow being shot.
There was a loud gasp from Edmund, causing Peter to swing around to face him, and when he did his eyes went wide.
There was an arrow sticking out of Edmund's stomach, Edmund's hand now wrapped around it.
"Ed?" Peter choked, unaware of all the commotion around him and Orious' orders to find whoever had shot it.
Edmund glanced up at Peter. "Pete." He choked, before his eyes slipped shut and he fell to the floor.
"Edmund!" Peter cried, falling to his knees and pulling Edmund close to him. "Ed?' He asked, watching Edmund's eyes flicker open, before closing again. "No Ed, stay awake, please."
Peter took a deep breath. "Lucy'll be here with her cordial." He choked. "Just stay awake alright?"
But Edmund didn't reply, he lay there, mouth slightly open and eyes closed.
"Ed?" Peter choked, a sob escaping him. "Ed please, wake up! Ed wake up!"
But Edmund didn't wake, and with a sinking heart Peter realised the truth, he was dead.

Peter woke with a loud gasp, his eyes snapping open.
He glanced around for a moment before seeing Edmund, sat up in the bed and staring down at him, a worried look on his face.
"Peter?" Edmund asked quickly at seeing that his brother was awake. "Peter are you okay?"
Peter swallowed hard, frowning. "Yeah." He mumbled.
"What did you dream about?" Edmund said with a sigh.
Peter frowned for a moment. "I - I don't remember." He whispered.
"You don't remember?" Edmund questioned, looking confused.
Peter shook his head slowly. "No." He breathed, relaxing back against the pillows and taking a deep breath.
You'll remember when the time is right.


"Are you ready for this?" Peter asked as he helped Edmund sort out his cloak.
Edmund took a deep breath. "I think so." He breathed, reaching for his crown.
"Wait." Susan said, hopping up from where she'd been sat at the end of Peter's bed.
She walked over to Edmund and set about trying to sort out his hair, causing Edmund to try and squirm away.
"Hold still Ed." Susan muttered. "Seriously, I don't know how your hair can get so messy!"
Peter chuckled slightly and glanced over at Lucy who was sat on the desk chair giggling.
"Are you done now?" Edmund asked after almost a minute.
Susan sighed. "I suppose It'll have to do." She said slowly.
Edmund rolled his eyes playfully before placing his crown on his head.
"Right." Peter said, taking a deep breath. "Let's do this."
"Is everyone in the throne room?" Lucy asked as she stood and joined her siblings.
Susan nodded. "Everyone in the castle." She said. "Even all the guards."
Peter nodded slowly. "Come on then." He muttered, opening the door.
The three followed Peter through the corridors until they reached the throne room door, which is where they stopped.
"Ed you wait here." Susan said. "Only come in when Peter says that you aren't actually dead. You go in now and you'll give more than a few people a heart attack."
Edmund smirked. "I will." He said with a nod. "Now go. I dunno how much longer I can take of all this hiding."
Peter chuckled lightly, giving him a firm pat on the shoulder before slipping into the room, Susan and Lucy following.
They walked to the other end of the room, everyone present falling completely silent.
Susan and Lucy took their places on their thrones, and Peter stood in front of his, facing the large group.
After taking a few deep breaths he finally spoke. "I know all of you have heard about what has happened in the past week." He said, loud enough so everyone would be able to hear him. "About King Edmund's-" He swallowed hard. "Death."
There was a long spell of whispers before everyone once again fell silent.
"But I have something to tell you." Peter said, his heart pounding slightly. "Despite King Edmund sacrificing himself for - for me, Aslan stepped in, bringing him back to life."
There was another spell of whispering, and Peter could head the shock in everyone's voices.
"Edmund?" Peter called, watching as the door then opened and Edmund walked in, making his way over to his throne.
The whole room was absolutely silent, everyone frozen in place, quite clearly shocked.
"You okay?" Peter whispered.
Edmund nodded and took his seat, taking a deep breath as he did.
"So now there's nothing to worry about." Peter said. "King Edmund is alive, all thanks to Aslan."
There was another long while of silence  before everyone started celebrating amongst themselves.
Peter smiled and held out his hand towards Edmund, who stood and walked over to stand beside him, gripping his hand and resting his head gently against Peter's shoulder.
"That went better than I thought." Peter chuckled, before frowning, hadn't he said that before??
"My thoughts-"
"Exactly." Peter cut his brother off, frowning.
Edmund frowned up at him. "Pete?" He asked at seeing the confusion on his face.
Peter's eyes suddenly went wide and he scanned the room, his dream, the one he'd had last night, he remembered it!
Edmund had said those exact words in his dream, and the memory of the arrow in his stomach flashed before his eyes.
His eyes went even wider when he spotted a hag amongst the crowd, her disguise not stopping Peter from seeing what she was.
Peter watched as she pulled out a bow and arrow, getting ready to fire.
The second she let go of the string, Peter lunged at his brother, wrapping his arms around him and pushing him to the floor.
There was a loud gasp from Edmund, and Peter's heart completely stopped... had he been quick enough??

Everything will be explained in the next chapter 😅😅🥺😏😏😏

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