I'm so glad you're back

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"Night Ed." Lucy mumbled, as she wrapped her arms around her older brother, squeezing him rather tightly.
"Night Lucy." Edmund chuckled slightly.
Susan hugged him too before the two hesitantly left the room.
"Get changed Ed." Peter said gently, walking over to the wardrobe and throwing Edmund a pair of pyjamas.
"Thanks." Edmund breathed in reply, heading into the bathroom.
He returned to find Peter ready for bed and sat at his desk, Edmund's crown in his hands. "Pete?" He questioned, slowly walking over and standing behind him.
Peter jumped slightly and turned to face him. "Sorry." He muttered. "I didn't hear you come out the bathroom."
Edmund nodded a little. "It's okay." He said, staring down at his crown when Peter placed it on the desk.
Peter stood a few moments later and led Edmund over to his bed, pulling back the covers.
Edmund made no objection as Peter pushed him gently into the bed, him climbing in after him.
Edmund wasn't at all surprised when Peter wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him close, making sure his head was resting against his chest.
Edmund took a deep breath. "So." Hs whispered. "We talking now?"
Peter swallowed hard. "Yeah." He breathed.
Edmund nodded and opened his mouth, but didn't have a clue what to say.
"When - When did you leave?" Peter asked hesitantly.
Edmund sighed. "I left that time you couldn't stop coughing." He explained. "And it was so bad that they had to call for the healers."
Peter nodded slowly. "You walked?" He asked.
"Yeah." Edmund replied. "Do you really think Philip would've let me go ahead with it if he'd come."
"I almost wish you had taken him." Peter choked, before taking a deep breath, this question was the one he'd been dreading the most. "How - How did you do it?" He barely whispered.
Edmund's eyes slowly closed as he let out a sigh. "Dagger." He mumbled, just the thought of it causing an ache in his chest.
"Where?" Peter choked, eyes filled with tears.
"Through-" Edmund took a deep breath, opening his eyes. "Through my heart."
Peter let out a quiet sob at this, two tears rolling down his cheeks. "At - Atleast tell me you didn't suffer." He whispered.
Edmund swallowed hard before speaking. "I died about 5 seconds after." He forced out, his breathing by now uneven.
Peter glanced down at him, shaking his head. "Why did you do it Ed?" He whispered.
Edmund sighed. "Pete we went over this." He said. "I love you, you're my brother, and you would've done it for me."
"What - What happened after you - you did it?" Peter choked after a small nod of his head.
"I woke up to find myself on a beach." Edmund explained. "Aslan was there and he told me that he could either bring me back, or I could go to his country."
"Why did he give you the choice to come back?" Peter asked. "Weren't you dead?"
"He said not properly." Edmund said, a small frown on his face. "I wasn't actually in Aslans country when I woke, just outside it."
Peter pulled Edmund even closer to him, so much so that Edmund was practically lying on top of him. "I'm so glad you chose to come back." He whispered in his ear.
Edmund smiled lightly. "I am too." He said. "I missed you."
Peter squeezed his eyes shut. "I missed you too." He said.
There were a few moments of silence before Peter spoke up again. "Ed?" He asked hesitantly.
"Yeah?" Edmund replied, glancing up at him.
"There was something - something I was going to talk to you about the night you left." Peter said slowly.
Edmund frowned. "What?" He asked.
Peter swallowed hard. "When you went to the west with Susan," He said. "I kept having these visions."
Edmund's frown got deeper. "What do you mean?" He asked.
Peter forced back any tears for the moment. "Everytime I closed my eyes I saw an image of you, lying on the stone table, dead."
Edmund eyes went wide as he took a deep breath.
"I should've told you sooner." Peter whispered, shaking his head.
"I - I still would've done it Peter." Edmund mumbled in reply.
"Not if we'd been able to stop you." Peter murmered.
"Peter look." Edmund sighed. "If you had stopped me, then you wouldn't be alive right now, but because you didn't stop me, we both are."
"But why did I have the visions?" Peter choked.
"Maybe Aslan gave them to you." Edmund suggested.
"But why?!" Peter exclaimed.
"Pete be quiet." Edmund hissed. "You're supposed to be the only person, alive, in this room."
Peter swallowed hard. "Sorry." He mumbled. "But why would he give me those images? He's the one that told you how to break the dark magic?"
Edmund sighed. "Maybe it was just to prepare you Peter." He mumbled.
"Well it didn't do a very good job." Peter muttered.
"Atleast Aslan tried to help." Edmund sighed. "Even if it didn't work."
Peter swallowed hard before burying his face against Edmund's hair. "I'm just glad he brought you back." He whispered. "I don't know what I would've done without you."
Edmund swallowed hard before sighing. "I take it you didn't eat or sleep much whilst I was gone." He said.
Peter bit his lip. "How did you know?" He asked.
"You've gotten alot thinner, and I know not all of that was to do with the illness." Edmund explained. "And you look exhausted Peter." He paused for a moment. "Which is why you're gonna get some sleep right now."
"And you." Peter said quickly.
Edmund nodded. "And me." He agreed.
Peter smiled as he placed a kiss to the top of Edmund's head. "I'm so, so glad you're back Eddy." He mumbled. "So glad."
Edmund smiled as he buried his face against Peter's neck. "I'm glad too." He whispered, and within minutes both boys were fast asleep, Edmund held tightly in Peter's arms.


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