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Edmund frowned slightly as his eyes flickered open, trying to remember what had happened.
After a while it all came back to him, Peter, the stone table, the knife.
Panicking slightly Edmund brought his hand to his chest, feeling around for the wound, and was utterly shocked when he didn't find it.
Laying there for a moment he became aware of the sound of waves breaking onto a beach, which confused him... alot.
Why was he on a beach? How was he on a beach.
After a moment or two he found the strength and slowly sat up, wincing slightly as he did.
Glancing around he saw that he was on a beach, and turning around saw the biggest wave he'd ever seen.
He panicked again for a moment, but frowned when the wave didnt break.
He was confused, the sea was in front of him, and the huge wave was behind him, and he didn't have a clue why.
Taking a deep breath he slowly climbed to his feet, rubbing the sand off his clothes as he scanned the beach.
Edmund stopped dead before spinning around, breathing a sigh of relief when he came face to face with Aslan.
"Aslan." He breathed, running over and wrapping his arms around the lions neck.
Aslan gave a small chuckle and smiled warmly at him as he pulled away.
"What happened?" Edmund asked. "Where am I?"
Aslan stared at him. "You sacrificed your life to save you brother Edmund." He said.
"So I'm dead?" He said, swallowing hard.
Aslan nodded. "This is my country." He said. "Beyond those waves."
Edmund frowned. "If I'm dead then." He said slowly. "Why aren't I in your country?"
Aslan smiled at him. "Becauase you have a choice to make." He said.
"A choice?" Edmund questioned.
Aslan nodded. "I can send you back to Narnia," He said. "Or you can stay here with me in my country."
Edmund stared at him, taking a deep breath. "Will I ever see my siblings again if I stay?" He asked.
"That is something I cannot tell you Edmund." Aslan replied. "I'm sure you understand?"
Edmund nodded slowly. "How - How are they?" He asked. "You can tell me that, right?"
Aslan smiled sadly. "They miss you." He replied. "More than words can say."
Edmund swallowed hard, blinking back his tears. "You can really send me back?" He asked.
Aslan nodded.
"And I can really stay in your country?"
Aslan again  nodded at him. "But remember, if you do choose my country, I'm afraid there's no going back."
Edmund hesitated. "Why are you giving me this choice?" He asked. "Why would you bring me back?"
Aslan smiled gently. "You sacrificed your life for your brother Edmund, twice." He said. "I crowned you because you're kind and caring, brave and obviously Just. You've shown that your love for your siblings is strong. Plus the prophecy wouldn't work with just three."
Edmund stared at him for a moment. "I can really go back?" He whispered.
Aslan chuckled. "Yes, you can go back Edmund." He said. "But only if you want to."
Edmund hesitated for a second before he nodded. "I want to." He breathed. "Please Aslan, send me back."
Aslan nodded. "A good choice Edmund." He said. "Your siblings miss you."
"Thank you Aslan." Edmund said quickly.
"Oh and one more thing." Aslan said quickly. "You cannot let anyone else see you until you've met with your siblings."
Edmund frowned slightly. "How am I supposed to do that?" He asked.
Aslan sighed. "I will tell them to meet you in the woods in four days time." He said.
"Four days?" Edmund said. "Can't you make it any earlier?"
"I'm afraid not." Aslan replied, sighing slightly. "You will know which spot it is when you arrive, trust me.
"Will you tell them that they're going to meet me?" Edmund asked slowly.
Aslan shook his head. "I will not tell them it's you." He said. "Let them find out for themselves." Edmund nodded. "And until your siblings come, stay in hiding."
"Why do I need to stay in hididng?" Edmund questioned.
"The whole of Narnia thinks you're dead Edmund." Aslan said gently. "It's best to break the news to them slowly, and to hear it from the High King."
Edmund nodded slowly. "I'll stay in hiding Aslan." He mumbled, before frowning. "But - If someone goes to the stone table to get me, they'll obviously realise I'm gone."
Aslan gave him a sad look. "They'll probably think that someone just stole your body."
Edmund swallowed hard and nodded slowly. "That news would destroy Peter." He choked.
Aslan stared at Edmund, tears in his own eyes. "His hearts been broken already." He whispered.
Edmund took a deep breath. "Four days right?" He said.
"Four days." Aslan said with a nod.
"And I'll know where you want me to hide and where my siblings will be?"
"Yes." Aslan replied simply. "Are you ready?"
Edmund nodded. "Please send me back." He choked.
Aslan smiled and took a step forward, breathing on Edmund before he disappeared completely.
The next thing Edmund knew, he was lying on something cold and hard, he was gripping something in his hand and it was dark.
Opening his eyes he found himself on the stone table, and immediately searched for the wound that had been in his chest.
He breathed a sigh of relief when it wasn't there, replaced instead by a hardly noticable scar.
Looking down at the table he saw it stained red, as well as the dagger in his hands.
Dropping the dagger like it had burned him, Edmund grabbed his tunic and slipped it over his head, before making his way slowly to his feet.
He swayed a little, but managed to keep his balance as he walked down the steps.
As he headed towards the woods he thought he had no idea where he was going or where he was supposed to be heading.
But Aslan had told him that when he reached the spot, he'd know.
And if anything, Edmund trusted Aslan completely.

You didn't think I'd actually kill him and keep him dead did you??🙈😌

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