More than you'll ever know

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The two pulled away after a while, Peter taking a deep breath and placing his hand firmly on Edmund's shoulder. "You alright?" He couldn't help but ask..
Edmund smiled slightly. "I'm fine." He breathed. "Thanks to you."
Peter went slightly red at this, before taking a deep breath. "What do we do about the hag?" He asked.
Susan frowned. "I'm not sure." She mumbled. "Ed?"
Edmund went to speak but was cut off by a voice from behind them.
"I will deal with her."
Lucy spun around a quite literary shrieked in delight when she saw Aslan making his way over.
He'd hardly even reached them when she ran at him and wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her face against his mane and holding on tight.
"You came back." She murmered.
Aslan chuckled lightly before glancing over at the other three.
Lucy eventually let go and stepped back, leaning against Susan who wrapped an arm around her shoulder and smiled down at her.
Peter stared at Aslan, taking a deep breath as he grip on Edmund's shoulder got alot tighter, so much so that Edmund winced. "Pete?" He sighed. "Too tight."
Peter looked down at him before immediately loosening his grip. "Sorry." He murmered, seeming rather distracted.
After a moment he looked back up at Aslan, tears filling his eyes. "Thank you." He choked. "For - for the dream, and for bringing him back."
Aslan smiled gently at him and nodded slowly, before Orious walked back into the room.
At seeing Aslan his eyes went wide before he quickly bowed. "Your majesty." He said.
Aslan smiled at him. "It's good to see you again Orious." He said.
Orious smiled a little before turning to face Peter and holding up a dagger. "The hag had this sir." He explained. "And it would appear that it is not hers."
Peter frowned a little before hearing Edmund take a deep breath, and his heart stopped.
Looking down at his younger brother he saw that he'd gone rather pale, and he had a hand placed over his chest.
"She - She said she found it at the stone table." Orious said hesitantly.
Peter swallowed hard. "It's the dagger you used, isn't it?" He asked his brother.
Edmund took another deep breath and slowly looked up at him, hesitantly nodding his head. "Yeah." He whispered.
Peter turned back to Orious before hesitantly taking the dagger from his hands, only now noticing the blood stain on the blade.
Peter's eyes filled with tears as he stared down at it, turning it over in his hands a few times before handing it back to Orious. "Get rid of it." He choked, before wrapping an arm around Edmund's shoulders and pulling him close to his side.
Edmund sighed a little and rested his head against Peter's chest, his arm wrapping around his waist. "I'm fine." He whispered.
Peter swallowed hard. "I know." He choked, before pulling him into a proper hug. "And I'm glad, so, so glad."


After that the four spent the rest of the day down the beach, Aslan joining them around mid afternoon, announcing that he'd dealt with the hag and that there was no need to worry.
After having a picnic dinner, Lucy ran off to collect seashells, Susan joining her, and Peter and Edmund sat a little up the beach, watching their sisters with matching smiles.
After a moment Edmund let out a sigh and leant against his brother, Peter's arm immediately coming up to wrap around his shoulders. "You alright?" He asked.
Edmund nodded. "I'm alright." Hs breathed. "Just tired."
Peter nodded back. "Me too." He breathed, before returning his stare to the slowly setting sun.
They sat there for ages, waiting for the sun to set before Peter glanced down at Edmund, who had fallen asleep in his arms.
Peter wasn't at all surprised at this and looked up when Susan walked over. "You gonna take him up to bed?" She asked at seeing Edmund.
Peter nodded. "Yeah." He said, tightening his grip slightly.
Susan sighed and sat beside them. "You should get some sleep too." She told Peter. "You look exhausted."
Peter nodded. "Feel it too." He murmered, taking a deep breath.
Susan nodded slowly. "Goodnight then." She breathed, giving him a small smile.
Peter smiled back. "Don't let Lu stay up too late." He said, glancing at his sister who was across the beach talking happily with Aslan. "I think even she's more tired than she's letting on."
Susan smiled and nodded. "I won't." She replied. "See you tomorrow."
Peter nodded a little before standing, managing to lift Edmund into his arms without his brother waking up.
When he began walking, Edmund's head fell limp against his shoulder, and Peter found himself hastily searching for a pulse.
Once he was actually satisfied that Edmund was alive, he headed back into the castle and up to their room.
He managed to get the door open and close it quietly behind him, before laying Edmund gently on his bed.
Edmund stirred then, groaning slightly as his eyes flickered open half way.
Peter sighed and sat beside him. "Go back to sleep." He whispered, brushing the hair from his eyes. "It's okay, I'm right here."
Edmund stared at him for a moment before nodding and rolling onto his side, his eyes slipping shut again.
Peter sighed and stood, walking over and drawing the curtains.
He decided not to get changed and just climbed into the bed beside Edmund, who's eyes opened again before he curled against his side.
Peter wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him close, pulling the blanket up around them both and placing a kiss to the top of his head. "Night Ed." He murmered.
Edmund smiled as his eyes closed again. "Goodnigh'" He whispered, resting his head against Peter's chest. "Love you." He added.
Peter swallowed hard, taking a deep breath as he smiled, his own eyes slowly closing. "I love you too Ed." He murmered in his ear. "More than you'll ever know."

- The End -

I really hope you liked this book! Ahaha, I'm definitely proud of it 🥺❤ let me know what you thought 🥺😅😅

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