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Edmund sighed as he lay beside Peter that night, his head resting against his brothers shoulder, Peter fast asleep.
To say he was worried would be an understatement, especially since Peter had gotten worse as the day went on.
He couldn't shake the feeling that this was entirely his fault, he knew, he just knew, that this was to do with the infection his brother had got from the knife wound, somehow he just knew, and if he was correct about that then it definitely was his fault.
Letting out a sigh Edmund rolled onto his side, facing Peter and resting his head against his chest. Glancing up at his brother he sighed again, seeing that he was still fast asleep, skin as white as paper and breathing heavy.
After a few moments Edmund's eyes slowly slipped shut, and within minutes he was fast asleep.

Edmund's eyes snapped open when he heard his name being called, and they went wide when he spotted Aslan. "Aslan?" He whispered.
Aslan smiled as he slowly walked over and stood beside Edmund. "How are you Edmund?" He asked gently. "I heard about what happened and can only apologise that I wasn't with you."
Edmund shook his head. "It's okay." He said quietly. "I'm fine... But-" He paused, swallowing hard. "Peter's not."
"He is in danger Edmund." Aslan said slowly.
Edmund swallowed hard. "What do you mean?" He asked, his voice wobbling. "Is - Is this all to do with the knife wound?"
Aslan nodded a little. "There was something different about the knife that the hag used." He explained.
"What do you mean?" Edmund asked. "What was different about it?"
"Even I do not know the answer to that question Edmund." Aslan said sadly. "But you need to go to the west and retrieve the dagger. When you bring it back to Cair, we will talk again and I will have a look at it."
Edmund nodded slowly, unsure exactly how Aslan was going to take a look at it if he wasn't here, but he trusted him completely.
And he would go into the west to get the knife, determined to save his brother, no matter what.
"I will Aslan." He said firmly.
"I will see you then Edmund." Aslan said with a nod. "And good luck."

Edmund gasped slightly as his eyes snapped open, taking a few seconds to get used to the sudden light and to remember all of what Aslan had said before taking a deep breath.
It was only then that he realised he wasn't wrapped in Peter's arms, in fact, he was over the other side of his brother's bed.
Looking to his left he found Peter awake, sitting up slightly with a book in his hand, frowning over the pages. Edmund also noticed that he had a pencil in his other hand, and a piece of paper on the bed beside him.
"Peter!" Edmund exclaimed, making his brother nearly jump out of his skin. "What are you doing?!"
Peter swallowed hard, taking a deep breath. "I have to finish this!" He exclaimed, his voice wobbling dangerously. "As King of Narnia I'm expected to learn all this stuff about Narnia and the surrounding countries and whatnot."
Edmund's mouth fell open. "Can't it wait!" He exclaimed. "You're extremely ill Peter, I'm sure no one's gonna force you to learn this stuff right now."
Peter stared at him for a moment before lowering his book, closing it and placing it on his lap with a sigh. "Alright." He muttered. "It's not like I could concentrate much anyway."
Edmund sighed at this. "Still got a headache?" He asked, calming down a little.
"Yeah." Peter sighed. "A bad one."
Edmund hesitated, he knew he had to tell Peter, but he was worried about what his brothers reaction would be.
In the end he took a deep breath, sitting up and facing his older brother. "Peter?" He asked slowly, deciding to busy himself with grabbing the bowl of water and cloth on the bedside table and moping up the sweat on Peter's forehead.
Peter allowed him to do this and frowned at him. "Yeah?" He asked.
"I - I just had a dream." Edmund said slowly, Peter's eyes immediately going wide. "No, not about the witch or anything like that."
"Then what about?" Peter asked, relaxing slightly at the somehow still cold water on his forehead.
"Aslan." Edmund said slowly.
Peter frowned more. "Aslan?" He asked.
Edmund swallowed hard. "Pete." He sighed. "You're in danger."
Peter looked utterly confused. "What?" He whispered.
Edmund sighed. "Aslan said that there was something different about the knife the hag used on you." He explained. "And it's that making you ill."
Peter stared at him for a short while before speaking again. "What was different about it?" He asked, unable to hide the wobble in his voice.
Edmund shrugged. "Aslan said he doesn't even know." He mumbled. "That it why-" He paused, swallowing hard before sighing. "That is why I have to go and get the knife, so that Aslan can figure it out."
At this Peter's eyes went insanely wide. "No!" He said firmly. "Absolutely not!"
"Peter." Edmund sighed. "We'll never figure out what's going on if I don't do this!"
Peter looked horrified. "No way in a million years am I letting you travel into the west." He said. "You could never come back!"
"And if I don't go then you could never get better!" Edmund snapped.
"Ed it's too dangerous." Peter said. "I'm not having you risking your life for me-"
Before Peter could say anything else Edmund cut him off. "Oh but it's fine for you to risk your life for me is it?!" He near shouted.
Peter pushed Edmund's hand away and forced himself into a sitting position. "I dont mean it like that!" He shouted back. "You've already risked your life for me once! And incase you've forgotten how that turned out you were stabbed and nearly died! I will not let you travel into the west! I will not allow you to get hurt like I did! I will not allow it!"
Edmund stared at his brother, slightly shocked at the outburst despite Peter's weakness.
Peter took deep breaths, trying to calm himself as he collapsed back onto the bed, shaking his head back and forth. "I won't."


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