Stay strong... for him

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Susan frowned to herself as she wondered down the corridors early that evening, looking for Edmund.
She'd expected him to be up with Peter, and was more than slightly confused when Peter told her that he'd left about an hour ago, saying that he had something to do.
She soon stepped out onto the beach, taking a deep breath and shivering slightly in the slight breeze.
Scanning the beach she soon spotted her younger brother, sat near the sea, his back to her.
Frowning a little Susan made her way across the beach, picking up her pace when she was close enough to see that Edmund's shoulders were shaking and he had his face buried in his hands.
She soon reached him, and without a word she quietly sat down beside her silently crying brother, her heart breaking.
After it was clear that Edmund hadn't realised she was there, Susan sighed and grabbed him gently by the shoulders and pulled him close.
Edmund jumped at first, his head snapping up and his tears stopping for a moment. But when he saw that it was Susan his face crumpled again and he began sobbing, burying his face against his older sisters shoulder and wrapping his arms around her neck.
Susan, more than slightly concerned about all this, wrapped her arms around Edmund's back, her other hand placed gently on the back of his head. "Hey." She soothed. "What's wrong?"
Edmund let out another heartbreaking sob before speaking. "It - Its all my fault." He cried. "All of it."
Susan swallowed hard. "Ed no it's not." She whispered into his ear.
But Edmund shook his head. "It is." He choked. "Peter's ill and it's my fault! He'd be fine if I hadn't betrayed you all!"
"Ed please." Susan murmed, tightening her grip around him. "Stop blaming yourself."
Edmund took a shaky breath and pulled away, staring up at Susan. "Peter could die Susan!" He exclaimed. "I'd never forgive myself if that happened!"
"You don't know that will happen though." Susan sighed, pushing Edmund's fringe from his forehead.
Edmund sighed in annoyance, two more tears rolling down his cheeks. "I - I can't bare seeing him like this." He choked.
Susan sighed sadly. "Neither can I Ed." She agreed. "But he felt the same about you you know."
Edmund swallowed hard, dropping his gaze to his lap.
"But he stayed strong." Susan said gently. "He stayed strong for you Edmund, for you."
Edmund took a deep breath. "I know." He whispered guilty.
"So you need to stay strong for him." Susan said. "We all do."
Edmund took a deep breath, looking back up at Susan and nodding his head a little.
Susan smiled gently at him. "What do you say we go and prepare for you leaving tomorrow." She suggested.
Here Edmund froze, his eyes going slightly wider without him realising it.
"Ed?" Susan asked, a frown on her face.
Edmund looked at her, swallowing hard. "I'm fine." He said quietly, nodding his head a little.
Susan sighed. "You're scared." She guessed.
Edmund sighed, looking back down at the ground and shrugging his shoulders. "Just, a little worried is all."
"Ed, the witches followers-" She paused when Edmund flinched. "Only atta - attacked Peter because they'd been given orders to make sure he didn't get back with the apple."
Edmund snorted. "And you think they'll leave me alone?" He said. "Leave the traitor be, let him live?"
Susan sighed. "I could come if you wanted?" She asked.
Edmund shook his head. "It's dangerous." He mumbled.
Susan smirked. "Who's older here?" She joked.
Edmund managed a small smile, but shook his head. "I can go by myself." He said quietly.
"Well, not by yourself." Susan said firmly. "You'll be taking a horse."
Edmund nodded. "I wish Philip could come." He sighed. "But I cant expect him to, he's only just come back."
"I'm sure you'll find someone." Susan said, smiling a little. "Now come on, let's go."


The next morning, when Susan had finally managed to get Edmund downstairs to eat some breakfast before he left, she entered Peter's room, finding him laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling.
Stepping closer Susan was worried to see tears rolling down his cheeks, his hands fisted into the blankets covering him.
"Peter?" She asked gently, sitting on the bed beside him.
Peter looked over at her and sighed, wiping his tears away as he propped himself up against the pillows. "I - I can't do this." He whispered, shaking his head.
"Can't do what?" Susan asked.
Peter swallowed hard. "I can't let him go." He choked. "He's twelve years old Susan!"
Susan sighed. "This is hard on all of us Peter." She said softly. "Edmund included."
Peter stared at her. "He's scared?" He guessed.
Susan sighed. "He said he was worried, but yes Peter, he's scared." She replied.
Peter squeezed his eyes shut for a moment before opening them again. "I don't want him to go." He mumbled.
"I know you don't." Susan said. "I don't either, but he's going to go no matter what you say."
"Why can't he take some of the army with him?" Peter asked. "Atleast then they could protect him."
"Peter, fewer people have more of a chance than lots." Susan explained. "It'll be easier to hide and whatnot."
Peter sighed. "I know." He mumbled. "But what about just one other person!?"
Susan was quiet for a moment, before she swallowed hard. "I think I can arrange that." She nodded.
Peter stared at her. "Thank you." He whispered with a nod.
Susan smiled before standing from the bed. Leaning over to place a kiss to Peter's forehead. "Goodbye Peter." She whispered.
Peter frowned at her, but didn't say anything.
Susan smiled and slowly left the room, straightening out her dress before heading to her own room to pack.


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