I'll talk to him

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The next morning Edmund woke to find himself held weakly against Peter's chest, Peter's breathing heavy in his ear and his own arm wrapped around his older brothers waist.
Laying there and letting his eyes adjust to the light, Edmund took a deep breath, the events of yesterday coming back to him.
He had decided last night, on his way back from the beach, that he'd leave for the stone table tonight.
Edmund swallowed hard at the very thought of it, his heart starting to pound in his chest.
He tightened his grip around Peter, taking deep breaths and trying to calm himself.
Everything's gonna be okay
Edmund relaxed a little as the words echoed in his head, feeling somewhat calm.
He looked up slightly when he heard Peter stir, watching him as his eyes slowly opened and he spotted him.
"Morning." Edmund whispered, forcing a smile.
Peter stared at him for a moment before smiling back a little. "Morning." He choked, rubbing his eyes.
"How you feeling?" Edmund asked, brown eyes wide and full of worry.
Peter sighed. "Not good at all." He mumbled, looking up at the ceiling as his grip around Edmund got somewhat tighter.
Edmund took a deep breath. "I will fix this Pete." He choked. "I - I promise."
Peter smiled weakly at this. "I know you will Ed." He whispered. "I trust you."
Edmund hesitated for a moment before burying his face against Peter's chest, wrapping both arms around him in a full on hug. "I love you Peter." He choked.
Peter frowned a little a this, but was too tired to feel extremely confused. He wrapped his arms around his brother and hugged him back. "I love you too." He breathed
They both pulled away and looked across the room when the door opened, Lucy slowly entering.
"Hey Lu." Edmund said with a small smile.
"Hi." Lucy mumbled as she walked over and climbed onto the bed, sitting on the other side of Peter.
"Where's Susan?" Edmund asked.
"Getting us all some breakfast." Lucy answered, giving Peter a firm look.
Peter sighed but didn't say anything, knowing that there was no point in arguing. He rested his head back against the pillows as his eyes slid shut, only for them to snap open seconds later, the image having appeared before his eyes.
Peter stared at Edmund for a moment, reassuring himself that he was fine, before taking a deep breath.
"Pete you okay?" Edmund asked, having seen the panick in his eyes.
Peter hesitated. "Yeah, I'm fine." He muttered eventually.
Lucy was quiet for a moment before her eyes went wide. "You haven't told him." She whispered.
Edmund frowned. "What?" He questioned, looking confused.
Peter's eyes went wide in alarm as he quickly shook his head at Lucy, silently telling her not to say a word about it.
"Peter." Lucy said slowly. "You have to tell Edmund."
"Tell me what?!" Edmund exclaimed, now rather worried.
Peter swallowed hard. "Its nothing." He said.
Edmund nearly laughed. "Well it's obviously something!" He said.
Peter hesitated. "I just keep having bad dreams is all." He lied, feeling horrible about doing so.
Edmund stared at him for a while. "What about?" He asked slowly.
Peter took a deep breath. "You." He said with a shrug.
Edmund sighed a little, nodding slowly. "I'm fine." He said hesitantly.
Peter nodded. "I know." He choked, Edmund lying beside him and resting his head against his chest.
Lucy gave Peter an unimpressed look when Edmund buried his face against Peter's neck, which Peter returned with a sigh and a shake of his head.
He couldn't tell Edmund, his brother would have a panick attack on the spot.
After a while Edmund slowly pulled away from Peter, giving him a small smile. "I'm gonna go and help Susan." He said, climbing from the bed. "See you in a minute."
The second he'd left Lucy turned to Peter. "Why didn't you tell him?!" She asked.
Peter sighed. "I can't do that to him." He choked. "I don't want to worry him."
"Peter this could be something really serious." Lucy said firmly. "You're forgetting that in the vision Edmund was the one holding the knife."
Peter shook his head. "I haven't forgotten that." He said. "As much as I want to." There was silence for a moment before he spoke again. "Look, please don't tell him, he's already worried enough."
Lucy stared at her older brother for a long while before slowly nodding. "Alright." She breathed. "I won't tell him. But you're gonna have to tell him eventually... before it's too late."
"What do you mean?" Peted choked, sounding extremely weak.
Lucy sighed. "Maybe you telling him might stop it happening." She said. "If you begged him not to do it, whatever happens, it might all be okay."
Peter took a deep breath, thinking for a moment. "You're right." He mumbled. "I'll speak to him tonight okay?"
Lucy nodded. "Thank you." She breathed.
"Don't let Ed leave the castle." Peter said quickly, panick in his voice.
Lucy shook her head. "I'll let everyone know." She said.
Peter sighed. "But please don't let onto him that we're trying to keep him from leaving." He whispered.
Lucy took a deep breath. "I won't." She said. "I'll be as careful as I can."
Peter nodded. "Thanks." He choked, before coughing slightly. He sat up when he continued coughing, covering his mouth with both hands.
Lucy placed both her hands on his shoulders, taking deep breaths to try and keep herself calm. But after three minutes, Peter was still coughing and Lucy was beginning to worry.
"Peter." She choked, watching the blood drip from between her brothers fingers as he coughed.
"I - I should go and get help." Lucy whispered, now extremely worried.
Peter shook his head. "Stay." He managed to force out between coughs, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Please."
Lucy nodded. "Okay I'll stay." She breathed. "But-"
But she never got to finish he sentence.
She watched in horror as Peter's eyes rolled back and he collapsed onto the bed, blood still trickling down his chin.
Lucy waited for it to stop, but when it didn't, she took a deep breath, looked towards the door, and opened her mouth. "Help!"


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