Thanks to Aslan

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Peter lay there, panting, his arms wrapped tightly around Edmund, who was held tightly against his chest.
"Pete?" Edmund choked suddenly, causing Peter's heart to skip a beat.
Untangling himself from Edmund, Peter sat up and stared at him.
He could've fainted in relief when he saw no sign of an arrow, and looking behind him saw one instead laying on the floor.
He grabbed Edmund and pulled him into a hug. "Thank Aslan." He breathed.
"Pete what's going on?" Edmund choked, face buried against Peter's neck.
Peter took a deep breath and looked up and ahead of him, seeing Orious grab the hag and rip the bow and arrow from her hands.
The hag put up a struggle but eventually calmed down, leaving Orious to push her through the crowd to stand in front of Peter and Edmund.
Peter took a deep breath and stood, pulling Edmund up with him and keeping a hand on his shoulder.
"Explain yourself." Peter ordered. "Why are you here? And why did you try and kill my brother?"
The hag chuckled. "You think I'm gonna tell you that?" She spat.
Peter unsheathed his sword and stepped forward, placing the tip to her neck. "Tell me right now." He said firmly. "Or I won't hesitate to kill you."
"Who's to say you won't kill me anyway?" The hag said.
"Well that depends on what you have to say." Peter snapped. "Now start talking."
The hag stared at him for a moment. "Fine." She said, causing Peter to take a deep breath.
"You may remember my sister." The hag said. "I'd be surprised if you didn't, seeming as she was the one who gave you that knife wound leading to the infection."
Edmund went to step forward, a noise of anger escaping him, but Peter held him back, giving him a firm look.
"I remember." Peter said, turning back to the hag. "But why an earth would you try and kill my brother?"
"You killed my sister." The hag said. "So I thought, instead of killing you, I'd kill your brother instead, seeing as the two of you are as close as you can get."
Peter took a deep breath.
"I've been planning this for weeks now." The hag explained. "When I found out that he'd survived the Queens poison-"
"Witches poison." Orious stepped in firmly.
The hag rolled her eyes. "When I found out he'd survived, I was furious." She continued. "But when I found out that you'd received a wound from my sisters knife, I just knew that your brother would go and retrieve the knife to find out what was happening."
Peter listened carefully, taking a step in front of his brother.
"I watched him and your sister for the whole journey, ordering my wolves to attack whenever possible." The hag said. "Although your sister shot them both."
Peter took a deep breath and glanced behind him, to see Susan stood in front of her throne, Lucy stood beside her and wrapped in her arms.
"But when I figured out the only way to save you." The hag laughed, staring at Peter who turned and stared back. "I left him alone to kill himself."
Peter swallowed hard, his hand tightening on Edmund's shoulder.
"I watched him do it." The hag said, a gleam in her eyes. "I was hidden in the bushes and saw it all. Saw as he placed the dagger against his chest, watched as he nearly had a panick attack, watched him trying to persuade himself to do it, and watched when he finally did. Seeing the blood coat the knife, seeing blood drip down his chin, watching as his eyes went wide and-"
"Stop!" Peter shouted. "Stop right now!"
The hag smirked at him, before moving on. "I left after he'd died, satisfied that I'd gotten revenge on you, even if it wasn't carried out by my own hand." A scowl then appeared on her face. "But then I found out that he was alive."
"How?" Peter asked, looking confused.
"I went back you see, having learnt soon after that I could use his blood to bring back my queen."
Edmund froze at this, his hand reaching up and gripping Peter's arm.
"Only to see him sit up, look around and walk into the woods." The hag said, smirking at Edmund's reaction. "I was furious that he was still alive, and went to go after him, but I soon lost him."
Peter swallowed hard as he pulled Edmund close to him, giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
"I got wind of this meeting and thought it would be the perfect opportunity to try and kill him myself." The hag spat. "But somebody must've told you, seeming as you pushed the little traitor out of the way."
Peter scowled. "Yes, Aslan told me." He said, watching as the hag flinched. "And my brother is not a traitor, and I don't ever want to hear you call him that again!"
There was silence for a long while before Peter looked up at Orious. "Take her to the dungeons." He ordered. "Whilst we figure out what to do with her."
Orious nodded and pushed the hag from the room, Peter watching until they disappeared.
"You can all leave now." Peter said to the Narnians, who immediately began to leave the room, talking amongst themselves.
The second the room had cleared out Peter turned to Edmund, who looked shocked to say the least. "Are you alright?" He asked quickly.
Edmund swallowed hard. "I - I think so." He breathed.
"I can't believe we didn't notice the hag." Susan said as she and Lucy walked over. "She was following us the whole journey!"
"Hags are very good at hiding." Lucy said. "I read it in one of the books in the library."
"Pete?" Edmund asked suddenly.
"Yeah?" Peter replied.
"How - How did you know?" Edmund choked. "About the hag, and - and the arrow?"
Peter took a deep breath. "My dream last night." He said. "I rememberd it."
"That's what you dreamt about?" Edmund breathed.
Peter nodded. "Thanks to Aslan." He said.
Edmund nodded, before wrapping his arms around Peter's waist and hugging him tightly.


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